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  1. P

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    T Your baby akoya hoops pack so much punch! And they look great with your GSS too - I think they seem like the ultimate versatile hoop!
  2. P

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    Wow, the colours on your abalone pearl! And the shark-tooth like shape & size too! Hisano would have much better ideas than me, but if I may indulge in fantasy myself… due to its size, I’d be tempted to set it east-west in a bangle so I can admire it all day long. Or, east-west in a ring so...
  3. P

    Are these abalone pearls and FWs?

    Thank you! I’m now curious as to what they’re like if they are polished… might do a little experiment Thank you! Thankfully I didn’t pay much for them haha
  4. P

    Are these abalone pearls and FWs?

    Hi all, I was intrigued by a strand at auction and it was cheap enough for my curiosity to get the better of me. Please can I ask your expert eyes on what types of pearls these are? When I bought them at auction, I thought they were: abalone (but are they mabe due to the flat bottom? Most...
  5. P

    Your colour preferences for Tahitians and why?

    Ooh this is a great idea, thanks @jeg I’m loving the idea of some asymmetrical multicolours, multishapes and multisizes!
  6. P

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    Wearing my baroque multicolour SS strand today. I got lazy and didn’t take off the diamond pendant, and I’m liking the way they stack!
  7. P

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    @jeg this is stunning! Not only are the strands gorgeous (delicious gobstopper T’s with akoya (?) “chain”) but the styling is *chefs kiss* Are the T’s 14-15mm? The proportions are lovely!
  8. P

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    Hahaha fondling pearls is the best pastime, what a wonderful phrase!
  9. P

    Your colour preferences for Tahitians and why?

    Thanks! Very interesting that you think a multi coloured strand matches more skin tones and outfits, as I am concerned about the opposite! I guess what I’m trying to figure out is whether I “need” a strand of multi coloured pearls when I’m very happy with my peacock strands already… and now...
  10. P

    Your colour preferences for Tahitians and why?

    Hehe thanks Douglas! So rare to see a pearl with intense red overtones!
  11. P

    Your colour preferences for Tahitians and why?

    Thanks jeg, your pearl collection is TDF :love: do you find whether you reach for highly saturated strands (high colour intensity) or less saturated strands?
  12. P

    Your colour preferences for Tahitians and why?

    Thanks @KarinK, I think you’ve verbalised what I’m struggling with - I think the intense colours look amazing against a white/grey background, but I’m just not sure how it looks against my skin, especially since T’s look so different in various lighting! I’ve been thinking whether to buy a...
  13. P

    Your colour preferences for Tahitians and why?

    Hehe I love how you have so much fun with your pearls!
  14. P

    Your colour preferences for Tahitians and why?

    Interesting point about the formality of white pearls! I was at a wedding yesterday and saw strands of white pearls on a quarter or a third of female guests, but no Tahitians. It was a pretty informal wedding and I would’ve loved to see some T’s!
  15. P

    Your colour preferences for Tahitians and why?

    Thanks, yes I hear you - non uniformity adds visual interest indeed!
  16. P

    Your colour preferences for Tahitians and why?

    Hi all, would love to hear your thoughts please! I’m usually a monochrome kinda gal but I’ve been admiring everyone’s colourful pieces, and it’s got me itching for colour. However, I’m stuck because I’m concerned that intense colours don’t look against my skin / are hard to pair with clothing...
  17. P

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    Ooh those FW drops are a gorgeous shape @BWeaves , and great pairing with diamond hoops!
  18. P

    Scotland's Bill Abernethy and the Last Pearl Fisherman passed Away

    I got the photo from the Lyon and Turnbull website: Very interesting that you were approached about cultured pearls in Scotland!
  19. P

    Scotland's Bill Abernethy and the Last Pearl Fisherman passed Away

    The largest Scottish river pearl found in living history by Bill Abernethy (the Abernethy Pearl or 'Little Willie') is up for auction! Here is the fascinating background on the pearl (and its pearl fisherman): I couldn't find...
  20. P

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    Wow these colours are mind-blowing @SurfnSci !