Recent content by KaBo

  1. K

    Begging for HELP

    What is your opinion? What is your opinion? I am so very pleased :D with the information that I have recieved so far on this pearl pin. I plan on getting the gold tested since it is not marked. When I have acquired the knowledge that I have been seeking, I intend to sell this pin. What is...
  2. K

    Begging for HELP

    Pics of clasp Pics of clasp Requested pictures of clasp opened and closed.
  3. K

    Hi Susan, I was told you are the person I should chat with. I have posted pics of a pearl pin...

    Hi Susan, I was told you are the person I should chat with. I have posted pics of a pearl pin that I would appreciate very much if you could take a look at. Any and all information would be helpful to me. When I started this quest for knowledge on this pearl pin I actually didn't even like...
  4. K

    Begging for HELP

    More Pics More Pics Here are acouple more pictures.
  5. K

    Begging for HELP

    Pearl Pin Pearl Pin I really appreciate any infomation on this pearl piece. I took it to a local jeweler and he was amazed, he told me he had never seen a pearl like this. As for putting it up for auction on Ebay, that is an option. Is that a good route to go with a item like this?
  6. K

    Begging for HELP

    Hi Everyone, I have a pearl pin that I am going to be selling, the problem is I know absolutely nothing about pearls. I was told this is a blister pearl that came out of the Mississippi, color is rose gold, weight including gold bezel is 9 grams, height is 16mm, diameter is 27mm x 21mm at...