Recent content by gravityalwayswins

  1. G

    Pearl Parure from the Munich Jewelry Show

    The pics are great! My gut reaction when I see pieces like that are to ask the security guards if they can just lock me in the room for the night and let me try everything on as long as it's all back in place by morning. :) Thanks for sharing!
  2. G

    CPAA Magical Gifts of Nature Display in Tucson

    I think the celebration earrings would look fabulous on a tall brunette bride with an up-do that has soft-curled sections of hair strategically placed to look like they're falling out of the up-do, just like the bottoms of the earrings. I think they'd blend in too much with blond hair. OK...
  3. G

    "Souffle' Pearls"

    Sheri, I think in the past I've either drooled over your finds or we've liked the same things. I ought to start e-stalking your pearl ideas. :-P
  4. G

    "Souffle' Pearls"

    Hey fellow Sparklie lovers! I haven't been around in a while, but I thought I'd drop in and admit to my weaknesses. I gave in on the souffle pearls. My picture-taking skills are horrible but I'll see what I can do when they arrive. Jeremy has a way of sucking me in with his unique offerings. I...
  5. G

    "Souffle' Pearls"

    Coupon Coupon Make sure you use the exact upper/lower cases as in the email. Or at least that was my problem when it didn't work at first. Cheers, Carol
  6. G

    Lost Opportunities

    My uncle's house is FILLED with the most exquisite antiques, from tiny sterling trinkets to amazing, huge marble-top furniture. My large antique and jewelry purchases are few and far between, but they follow his advice: If you LOVE it, AND you can afford it, get it. Now. If you sleep on it...
  7. G

    Fijian Pearls

    This sounds way too much like something that would happen in my kitchen. Or even that kindergarten classroom I was imagining! tehe :p
  8. G

    Question about making a rope with various size pearls

    I wonder if you could come up with a more varied look where you make sure small ones are in between big ones sometimes, or even mix up the graduation just enough that it looks like you intended it to not be exactly the same size from pearl to pearl. Given the Tahitian to SS mix, also, though, it...
  9. G

    Fijian Pearls

    Ahhhh!! Thank you, Douglas! That makes complete sense and I really appreciate you taking the time to explain. I rather enjoy the mental image of handing a classroom full of children some pearls and telling them if they suck long enough on them they'll get clean. :-)
  10. G

    The Ethical Pearl Consumer

    I agree with Barbie - I often wish there was a way to purchase things directly from the producer and split the difference of what I'd pay retail - the producer gets more money and I benefit, too. Obviously it's not a large-scale solution, as producers can't work efficiently with consumers en...
  11. G

    Fijian Pearls

    " The shimmering iridescent natural colors of cultured Cortez Pearls are not enhanced in any way. After they are removed from the shell, Cortez Pearls are washed in water, soaked in mineral oil for six hours, and then dried. " (from their web site) I am a novice so please pardon the...
  12. G ? Freshwater or Akoya

    It looks to me like they are also strung with clamshells instead of finishing wire then knotted back through. Nothing wrong with clamshells, but I wouldn't expect them on super-duper Akoya strands. :-)
  13. G

    Are those pearls going out dressed like THAT?

    maryd - I'll bet you were beaming from ear to ear when your Mom told you that story. Good job!
  14. G

    The Ethical Pearl Consumer

    I also agree with John & PearlA. I have had family members lose jobs b/c of the loss of manufacturing jobs here to overseas companies... so we try to shop where I know they are using locally-made or locally-grown. We NEVER shop at Walmart b/c we believe they had a big hand in putting a lot of...