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  • E
    Hello, my name is Eugene I?m form Miami, Florida. I now live in Bangkok, Thailand and have started a pearl company. What I like to know is, do you know if there are any pearl factories/suppliers in Thailand or pearls factories from China reselling in Thailand? If you do will you please contact me you can contact me at
    Hi Cathy, I had a look on your website and found 2 strands I am interested in... 1574 and 1661. I am undecided and would like to know which strand has the deepest colour and overall wow factor. I am a brunette with green eyes and peach skintone, what you would call an "Autumn". So I am looking for a warm, deep purple, bronze strand, larger the better. Your creations are wonderful!
    Thank you - Cheryl
    Catlin hi,

    It has been along time since i have shown any participation in the forum.however I visit the PG's pages almost every day.
    I would like to ask for your advice on a business decision I am going to embark on.
    At this moment I am in Beijing to visit my son who is doing an MBA at Tsinhua university and also look for more pearls.
    Catlin i want to go whole sale with pearls and make my own jewelry on the side . Last Tuesday I visited Sharon's pearl company which is located on the 4rth floor of Hongqiao market. she has great quality products. After seeing her pearls I would really like to form a partnership with her.I have bought some white FW baroque and gold champagne south sea.
    I have taken the GIA course for overseas students this past October. that gave me a basic idea about the different types of pearls their characteristics farming, selling etc.... I wrote a few articles in a greek magazine about these wonderful gems to educate pearl customers.
    High end pearls are sold at jewelery shops at exuberant prices.I would like to bring the same products and sell them at reasonable prices.
    Do you think it a good idea to form a partnership with this supplier in hongqiao market or run it on my own. she told me she owns pearl farms,process and sells.
    I would like to share with you the pieces I have bought from her but I have forgotten the cord of my camera at home.
    I am looking forward to your reply at
    Best regards
    Depi Polizou
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