Recent content by barbie biggs

  1. barbie biggs

    Save the Date: Pearl Guide Summer Ruckus 2011

    Ruckus Ruckus Since I graduate from grad school June 12th I might actually make this one. Yeah!!:o:o It's on my calendar. My husband is hoping to be there with me wearing one of his 'man pearls'.:D barbie
  2. barbie biggs

    Question about natural blue baroque akoya

    One of the vendors here can answer this question but if I am not mistaken, any pearl can 'fade' if left in direct sunlight for a period of time. Allowing them to dry out does not help either. Pearl plated beads, which is what most akoya are, only have their color in the layer that is built up...
  3. barbie biggs

    Average lifespan of an akoya vs. natural cultured pearl necklace?

    Not very PC was it? This is where we see that, how we treat even a gemstone made by an animal, mirrors the way we treat people. It's subtle, but it's there. Now, almost one hundred years later, we are realizing that it isn't even good for the pearls.
  4. barbie biggs

    Question about horn shape of abalone pearls

    Hah! As a prior respiratory therapist I have to confess that things that started with 'muco' anything were pretty much up my alley for about 20 years. How that would affect a pearl I cannot say but I've seen some cool looking branches of fungi pulled out of people's lungs. They are called...
  5. barbie biggs

    Newbie Pearls

    Katie: Beautiful pearls!! And I see you also shop at PP and Kojima. (Two of my personal favorites.) Those natural white akoya are to die for aren't they?;) And I adore the CFW. Sarah gets the best colors.:D Lovely neck pictures of the gold leather cord melange'. Makes even a T shirt look...
  6. barbie biggs

    How to Make an Antique Pearl Kitsch

    That is just so adorable! While not a huge fan of kitsch, that little guy touches my heart.:) barbie
  7. barbie biggs

    Quahog Pearl

    Jan: That is a stunning natural pearl. Congratulations! barbie
  8. barbie biggs

    Vintage Rice Pearl Necklace - Value?

    thrift stores thrift stores Dear Lisa: You rock girl: Your point about the thrift stores is well taken. High quality is great but many people cannot afford anything of high enough quality to have resale value. I have a friend who purchases all her clothing (from dead people) in thrift...
  9. barbie biggs

    ATTACK-how to use?

    Bodecia: Perhaps we should reserve the HAZMAT suit for you. :D I'm sorry to hear you have adult asthma though. One of the nice things about pearls is that unless you are drilling them, they don't often smell much.;) Funny you should mention eczema, my husband had it as a child and now if he is...
  10. barbie biggs

    ATTACK-how to use?

    After both, 20 years as a respiratory therapist, and a also having degree in construction technology, I tend to err on the side of caution. If the directions say use a mask, I don't open it until I have a mask on. Bottom line, if it's toxic you shouldn't know what it smells like. If you can...
  11. barbie biggs


    Oh ho, cute litte tiny ears. You could of course learn to make your own earrings. You can purchase about 12 inches of gold wire for under $50.00 and make 3 or 4 pair of earrings with it. It is a good idea to make about 20 pairs with what I call pot metal wire first so your gold wire turns...
  12. barbie biggs

    Question: How do pearls 'barrel'

    Josh said in one of his threads that he wears his pearl in the water every day so it's probably pretty well washed. I wonder if his cousin has a skin Ph that wears the pearl down or if the cousin is in the water a lot too? On necklaces in the 60's and before: do you think people then, knew...
  13. barbie biggs

    Question: How do pearls 'barrel'

    I am confused. :o:confused: I have two pearls with exaggerated barrel shapes. One is an apricot CFW that is about 6-7mm. No question about it's age as I got it from Jeremy. The color is stunning, which is why it's one of my favorites despite being small. I also love the barrel shape. The...
  14. barbie biggs

    Blaire: Thank you so much. I love that little pendant. Now for the next questions. I'm having...

    Blaire: Thank you so much. I love that little pendant. Now for the next questions. I'm having trouble running down a clustered headpin in 14K. Do you carry them? barbie
  15. barbie biggs

    Kojima Pearls in JCK Online!

    Very nice Article Blaire. And of course Sarah's necklace is stunning!