The Gambiers

The landscape is very beautiful, but to capture it in photos takes real talent! :)
Thanks Inge, Steve, Akoya, Olga, Beth, Amrita and Cathy for the kind words. Olga, that's really sweet of you but beyond our little community here at P-G I'm not sure the rest of the world would be too interested.:p
Josh, I am not sure that the audience is so small. The combination of such a breathtakingly exotic place as French Polynesia and such an exquisite luxury product as a black pearl may be really a good twist. Especially when it is clear that the photographer, the writer and the farmer are the same person. It all depends upon marketing and the way of presentation. You can do it together with your wife :)

Told you before, get yourself a photographic agent - try one of the photo agencies which sell newspaper and magazine pix as well as books etc.YOu would sell to the holiday industry if no-one else and a good agent will find the outlets
"That was enough adrenalin to hold me over for another five years or so." Just reading it is enough to get my adrenalin going. Dark water, hungry shark, swimming in panic. Eek!
Olga and Wendy, the truth of it is that as much as I love to take pictures, I'm a crumby multi-tasker. Getting deeper into photography has been a wonderful ride but it has also forced me to re-evaluate my deeper priorities and aspirations. As bruising as the pearl game has been for us on the farming end, it's where my heart is. I'm not done making beautiful pearls and have several irons in the fire that I'm straining to keep my mouth shut about, for now.

John, yeah that wasn't one of the prouder moments I've known. I was only in a meter of water and debated whether I should stand up and scream out at the farm for someone to boat over and rescue me. Luckily I kept my cool and was able to avoid really feeling like a dingdong.
As always: beautiful photos Josh!
Thanks for sharing them
Beautiful pictures. Exactly what I needed after witnessing a snowstorm in Houston.
Ramona, that sounds like pretty harsh weather! But these photos would soothe the soul any old time. ;)
Thank you Douglas for bumping this thread (is that what they call it?) I missed it on the first go round. Just breath taking Josh. And I agree with Ramona, very soothing and inviting. (we are in the teens tonight in Puget Sound... burrr)
Houston finally is warming up, but I still want to go to the Gambiers.
Stop teasing, Josh. I wish for 80's F and sunny weather right now, and to look at the beach from a deck or balcony, wearing shorts instead of coat.
At least the next cold front hitting Houston tonight is a fantastic excuse for Gluehwein.