ICPGC - Pearl Guide Ruckus!

A couple more, and thanks to all the lovely PP ladies, Chenai, Rachel, Mia, Jeremy, Elia, Hisano, Natalie and Loree. Double to Chanai for also being there on Sunday (see below).


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I'm salivating at the thought of sitting in front of a huge tray of Tahitians!:D Looks like everybody had a great time -- maybe next year.:o
Nerida is a very nice name in my opinion, quite unusual I think.

Googling Nerida brought me this: NERIDA
Usage: Indigenous Australian
Possibly means "water lily" in an Australian Aboriginal language.
and comes from Greek source, meaning "Sea Nymph".

Cannot be more suitable for a pearl lover !!!
I have been busy all day selling pearls, and just noticed these updates... thank you everyone for helping out!!! None of my Asian friends or students can ever get it right, but truly, I answer to anything!
And Nora, yes, for me the name is an Australian aboriginal word for the blossom of the water lily. It is not a common name here at all, but I constantly hear "I knew a Nerida once...". The waterlily is a bit of a personal theme for me.
I?ve been quiet on this, because my California adventure has not ended and I?ve been very busy with family and without instant access to the internet, but I?ve been following everything that you all have said. I echo the sentiments of all above. It was truly an extraordinary weekend, and my only complaint would be that it was too short. It just flew by. How could you explain to anyone outside PG what it was like to spend the weekend with so many people you admire and respect and enjoy, but have never met. And then to admire, respect and enjoy them even more in person! Jeremy was an outstanding, amazing host who gave and gave and expected nothing in return. Meeting Marianne, so quiet on the forum, but so full of life and kindness and pearl wisdom, awesome. Being surprised by Nerida?s attendance, learning to say her name correctly, and feeling like I'd known her forever and knowing that that just might become the case. Meeting Blaire-the-amazing (and Octavia) face to face and actually feeling shy, like when you meet a famous person. Caitlin, so pearl wise and young at heart, with Kether, a pearl of a daughter. Donna, who blew me away with her big smile and her knowledge of the jewelry world. Pattye, my friend and fellow Etsian, who I absolutely did not get enough time to talk to one on one (next time). Boo, who was my old friend that I had actually met, and our adventure in the gem fair world. Steve, who was kind and gentle and quiet in the midst of a tornado of females with his beautiful wines and pearls. Having real time to spend with Sarah, and finding a bond that is as amazing as her pearls. Josh, a little out of his element in LA, but totally at home at the pearl gathering, wonderful, funny and a good scotch drinker. Sheri, beautiful and dramatic, so herself with her amazing pearl creations and her fabulous ink. Ashley sweet, but feisty and a very interesting limo companion. And my co-convention-conspirator, Mike, who kept the ball rolling through all of this, even funnier in person than on the guide, patient beyond belief, and an amazing man in the midst of all the hussies and probably in the midst of anything. New friends from old acquaintances, amazing pearls everywhere (dripping with pearls), so much info and informed conversation, incredible venues, food, wine, and open hearts at PP, just a really amazing weekend. And for those of you not in physical attendance, believe me, you were there in the conversations, everyone?s thoughts, stories that were told, and in the fact that none of us would have been there without everyone because that is what makes the Pearl Guide what it is ? all the people! So next year ? stand by. Here are my Sunday pics. Not a lot of photos from Sat. because our hands were full, and the wonderful Natalie was snapping away.

Thanks for saying exactly what I've been feeling. Every time I started to write something in-depth, I got all teary, so I kept it short. I love you guys and wish we had more time to just sit and talk. Next time! ;)
Listen up, wonderful ruckus planners: If you're serious about Hawaii, I'd like to bring Mom and use a timeshare week. In order to do that, I'd need to know what week and what area, as soon as possible. ;)

If you'd like to do it again with Jeremy and PP in Santa Monica, I'd be willing to do that in perpetuity! What fun it was. I hear rumors that he has ideas on how it could be bigger and better....

Picking out dates now would be most helpful either way. I have a job where I have to ask for my vacation more than a year in advance. I felt pretty darn special after the star treatment at the ruckus, but trust me, I'm just Blaire-the-ordinary most of the time, who would love to meet as many of you as possible.

I didn't even make a good hussy, but I might be willing to work on that next year. I own some tight fitting leopard print! Buah hah ha! :eek:
There is the pearl vault in PP that I would love to see ...
I think Jeremy has an advantage being at PP for a ruckus. He can't take his vault to Hawaii and his staff is in Sta Monica, too. All the money spent to take his staff to Hawaii could go into a few bottles of 21yo scotch. If many more people come, he can have a nice tent in the Alley for the lounge. The PP experience just wouldn't be there in Hawaii. Hawaii needs to be enjoyed fully, not distracted by a conference. IMO.
Once you've seen one vault, you've seen them all. Now, what's in the vault, that's another matter.


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PG'ers not in attendance and curious about what all the 'ruckus' was about this year will be want to experience Pearl Paradise and Los Angeles, although of course we'll need to establish a general fund for the Scotch. Wine will never be an issue, as long as it is Spanish!

Los Angeles also makes more sense for the trade members.

After reaching critical mass, I have no doubt ICPGC will take on a life of its own, and travel the world at will.

To bring the original thread full circle (where the whole 'consequential' concept got started?worth a read!)?

?Dubai anyone?
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There is the pearl vault in PP that I would love to see ...

I didn't make to the ruckus, but I did see the vault. Even though it was a little light on stock due to the holiday season at the time of my visit, it was still quite a sight.
They won't give me a visa.

OK, well, inconsequential was my original assessment of the Dubai gathering in question, and visa restrictions of a BONAFIDE PG'er (not to mention card-carrying NCN) offer additional substantiation…assuming it was needed!
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Pearl-Professor's lament, July 25, 2009

?have you noticed the dearth of pearling news in virtually every jewelry magazine? The U.S. publications have always been historically rather tawdry in this regard, but the saddest showing has to be Jewellery News Asia, once numero uno in this regard. The last several issues have covered the pearl scene by two dull recountings of the dismal and hopefully-soon-to-be-forgotten Dubai convocation quite sometime ago?

Assuming he (or she) is following, the Prof should forming a clearer idea of the consequence of our little exercise in LA last week!