Fireballs - now it's really them!


New Member
Nov 28, 2007
Hi everyone,

I was for quite a long time trying to make a distinction between just baroques, nucleated baroques and fireballs. Now I got - if I understand it right - real fireballs.

This is a necklace with 4 rows of light and dark (fireball) FW pearls, about 9mm broad and up to 15mm long. The lock is silver.

I like the combination of light and dark, and especially that it is not strictly black and white but intermediate colours (grey and purple) with a lot of overtones. And I absolutely can not resist the nicely heavy weight of it and the sound it makes when I move :-)

Here are the photos:





The dyed black pearls are interesting, I think I like the Silver best
Wayhay !
What a beauty, Olmander.
Fabulous necklace, gorgeous pearls. That'll turn a few heads...
The dyed black pearls are interesting, I think I like the Silver best

Me too, in fact. I have never been a fan of dark dyed pearls. But in this combination they look really spectacular, emphasizing the shining of the silver pearls.

Sueki, thanks! I also strongly rackon on a couple of broken necks :D


Those are lovely! And so is your photography! What a pro shot with the bit of yellow petals peeking out. Nice quality pearls too. Because the weight is distributed fairly evenly around the necklace, I suspect you will find it quite comfortable. Find I notice weight more on the long ropes. Where did you find these beauties?

so many pearls, so little time
Pattie, this is the already mentioned friend of mine, Marcel, who is a Dutch jewelry-designer (I posted earlier his rings). He is opening soon a website with not expensive pearl designs (a silver line), I have an honour of being the first customer :). I'll post the link when they have the site officially open (it is still under construction).

But what do I love the feeling of this necklace! It's just a physical pleasure to wear it :)

And thank you for the compliment about photos - this is also one of my passions!
yes nice job and capturing the real look of the pearls and I bet that has a bit of weight to it !
Striking necklace! I love fireballs and their baroque shape suits my style well.

I'm wondering, since the revelation of the use of the giant clam as the nucleus, there's not been any backlash? It seemed to have caused quite a stir here when it was first reported.

Also, it seems like the prices have gone up quite a bit since I first bought some a year and a half ago. Yet the quality of the ones I've seen has gone down. Maybe it's just my source... Olga's are lovely though!
Also, it seems like the prices have gone up quite a bit since I first bought some a year and a half ago. Yet the quality of the ones I've seen has gone down.

I agree with you. My observation from the Tucson show '07 to Tucson '08 was that the prices of the better quality fireball strands skyrocketed in one year (I'm sure the weak U.S. $ has something to do with this). Many of the dealers that had the better quality strands last year had none this year. However, many dealers that had no fireballs last year, had so many lesser quality strands this year and these were definitely not cheap.

Olga, your necklace is stunning. I love the colour combination - definitely a "glamour" piece of jewelry - and - I know this is tedious - but I would LOVE to see a neck shot!! I really think your new piece is one of the most beautiful fireball finished pieces I have seen.
Absolutely gorgeous, Olga. I too am a bit suspicious of color-treated pearls, but the combination is truly lovely. A new thing for me to lust after...

It's funny, I am shy of the fireballs (possibly an unpopular bias, I know) and of color-treated pearls however this design is excellent! I can't wait to see what other designs this Marcel has to offer. Please do keep us all posted.
These are lovely together. The black dyed fireballs are really stunning in the mix. You'll really enjoy having those!
WOW these are seriously stunning! I love your collection of beautiful jewellery!
Dear all,

Thank you for all the nice words and compliments, I am overwhelmed, and so is Marcel, to whom I forwarded the link to this thread. I guess it is a great support for him in his efforts and I hope we see more intersting things from him in the coming future:-)

Thank you all for the appreciation of my photography experiments, I find it a very creative activity and like it a lot when finally I get a good result.

Heavy - but nicely heavy:)
I would say this is the case when although I unfortunately cann't see myself (as it always happens with necklaces), I can feel the presence of a necklace because of a little extra weight, more surface of cool touch and what is especially inspiring - the sound it makes when I move.
Love it when you hear the pearls move....

I think Pattye is right - simple physics would say that the further away the weight is being maintained (as in from your neck) the heavier it will feel. If you are going to have a lot of weight in your necklaces, shorter pieces will be more comfortable. I wonder how Sheri wears her fabulously long and (must be) heavy Tahitian rope?