ICPGC - Pearl Guide Ruckus!

Thanx, Panda. None I take will ever be as good as the one Natalie took!

Mervione, We specifically mentioned your name. Many names were mentioned during the toasting part.

The reason we all look so classy is Nerida, whose elegant looks and style reflected tone onto the whole party. And the candles and decorations in Pearl Paradise did make it look like a toney salon.
Caitlin, I am blushing....
I think there were many elegant folks there, and best of all everyone was totally at home - Mervione you would have been very much at ease!
Jeremy's staff were amazingly elegant..... the beautiful Elia actually had temporary tattoos all down one arm when we first met her - she even looked elegant then! And a pity we don't have a photo of the beautiful Sarah at the party - she was definitely the pearl princess.
Oh, and another PS from me... Caitlin's Tahitians are just stunning - I don't think they have been off her neck since Jeremy presented them to her. A very well-deserved gift from our very generous host.
Wow !
Thanks for all the pics. everyone....:)
You all obviously had an amazing weekend, and, although all the pearls are beautiful, for me they take second place. It's great to see you all.

And Caitlin, that's a fabulous necklace; I was about to type "lucky you" but, of course, it's no less than you deserve.
And a lovely gesture from Jeremy.
Hi Caitlin,

also congratulations from this corner of the world, you certainly deserve to have a necklace that not any longer belongs to the group of "lowly beads" but to the very high class pearls. Wear it with pride and it warms me very much to think that all of you toasted us other members who could not be there.
For the third day I'm reading all those posts about your party... Sometimes being in Canada feels like living on another planet. I'm so far from all of you.
I'm happy for all those who attended the meeting. Photos that you posted made it real for those of us who couldn't be there. You made new memories, new friends.
Posting in this forum now will feel for me little bit like intruding in the private gathering of old friends. But I'll persist participating as often as I can. 90% of my knowledge about pearls come from here.... and being between other "pearl maniacs" makes me feel better. There are other people around who like them to excess !!!
Don't feel that way. We will expect you next time. And hopefully we will have it organized earlier so that you and others can make plans. Your one of the gang. :D
For the third day I'm reading all those posts about your party... Sometimes being in Canada feels like living on another planet. I'm so far from all of you.
I'm happy for all those who attended the meeting. Photos that you posted made it real for those of us who couldn't be there. You made new memories, new friends.
Posting in this forum now will feel for me little bit like intruding in the private gathering of old friends. But I'll persist participating as often as I can. 90% of my knowledge about pearls come from here.... and being between other "pearl maniacs" makes me feel better. There are other people around who like them to excess !!!
Would it be possible to fix a date for next year? It's looking quite promising for me if I have enough notice. I'm booked out till Jan 2010 already.
Would it be possible to fix a date for next year? It's looking quite promising for me if I have enough notice. I'm booked out till Jan 2010 already.

I was so excited to see the photos on Friday night. It felt like I was there with you, just a few hours after it happened. :D. Then poof, no pics until "way" later for Saturday and Sunday events.

It feels so nice to be a part of this community and know that there are others like me, who are just so passionate about pearls. It would have been very gratifying to meet you, strengthen our friendship, and gaze at pearls, pearls, pearls. Hic hic hic.

I have vacation lodging reserved the last part of June and beginning of July already. It would be nice to know a fix date or an approximate time frame, to plan work schedule and air ticket purchase (for vacation) because airfare to one of my favorite destination is so low right now. :D
I am so grateful to Jeremy for this forum, that I have a job to do for this forum, for a subject I love to talk about endlessly with others who feel as I do. I think the evening and the next morning at Pearl Paradise was the best part, though we were crowded and heated the place up to Tucson Temperatures. I was the only one that enjoyed that part; I was warm for the first time since I got to LA.

It was reminiscent of the Show Us Your Pearls forum, only in person.

I think the whole Pearl-Guide selects us for pearls and pearl people coming together bring a natural affinity for each other.
I think the weekend showed us that we are indeed a community. For everyone who was there, yes, it felt like a private gathering of old friends. For those who couldn't make it - well, you were missed, and every single one of you would have felt just as home in the group had you been able to make it. I hope JS is up for an annual event!!
And a pity we don't have a photo of the beautiful Sarah at the party - she was definitely the pearl princess.
Sarah and Kojima Pearls deserve special mention, a truly international and consequential pearl pro and all-around great person whom it was a pleasure to meet. Sarah's unselfish participation, along with Jeremy S., Josh, Ashley?even Jeremy N. for a spell?contributed immensely to the very high-level experience.
Yes, she is a true professional ... a credit to our industry! And gorgeous.. that 100" rope is even more beautiful in person!
I've been MIA for a while now, but really loved looking through all the photos! It is very fun, and a bit inspiring, to watch an online community become a real-world community. It's quite wonderful to see internet friendships blossom off-screen.
It looks like you all had a wonderful time. Thanks for remembering the rest of us, and sharing the pics. The show and tell must have been marvelous!
Looks like there's a lot of jealous PGers out here who just couldn't make it on such short notice. Yes, me included. But we are so glad you all had such a great time and you not only remembered us, but are sharing with us.
I?ve been quiet on this, because my California adventure has not ended and I?ve been very busy with family and without instant access to the internet, but I?ve been following everything that you all have said. I echo the sentiments of all above. It was truly an extraordinary weekend, and my only complaint would be that it was too short. It just flew by. How could you explain to anyone outside PG what it was like to spend the weekend with so many people you admire and respect and enjoy, but have never met. And then to admire, respect and enjoy them even more in person! Jeremy was an outstanding, amazing host who gave and gave and expected nothing in return. Meeting Marianne, so quiet on the forum, but so full of life and kindness and pearl wisdom, awesome. Being surprised by Nerida?s attendance, learning to say her name correctly, and feeling like I'd known her forever and knowing that that just might become the case. Meeting Blaire-the-amazing (and Octavia) face to face and actually feeling shy, like when you meet a famous person. Caitlin, so pearl wise and young at heart, with Kether, a pearl of a daughter. Donna, who blew me away with her big smile and her knowledge of the jewelry world. Pattye, my friend and fellow Etsian, who I absolutely did not get enough time to talk to one on one (next time). Boo, who was my old friend that I had actually met, and our adventure in the gem fair world. Steve, who was kind and gentle and quiet in the midst of a tornado of females with his beautiful wines and pearls. Having real time to spend with Sarah, and finding a bond that is as amazing as her pearls. Josh, a little out of his element in LA, but totally at home at the pearl gathering, wonderful, funny and a good scotch drinker. Sheri, beautiful and dramatic, so herself with her amazing pearl creations and her fabulous ink. Ashley sweet, but feisty and a very interesting limo companion. And my co-convention-conspirator, Mike, who kept the ball rolling through all of this, even funnier in person than on the guide, patient beyond belief, and an amazing man in the midst of all the hussies and probably in the midst of anything. New friends from old acquaintances, amazing pearls everywhere (dripping with pearls), so much info and informed conversation, incredible venues, food, wine, and open hearts at PP, just a really amazing weekend. And for those of you not in physical attendance, believe me, you were there in the conversations, everyone?s thoughts, stories that were told, and in the fact that none of us would have been there without everyone because that is what makes the Pearl Guide what it is ? all the people! So next year ? stand by. Here are my Sunday pics. Not a lot of photos from Sat. because our hands were full, and the wonderful Natalie was snapping away.


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