PP Monthly: Tahitian Earrings


New Member
Feb 3, 2008
{I really, really tried not to create another thread... um... I failed.}

So, anyone going to take the bait? I think I'll take the plunge once I finish my exams this week. I'm still bummed that I missed the baroque sale. I've actually done pretty well though, just the akoyas and now the studs. Can someone post pics? :p
I saw the special too, Callire. That is an exceptional deal. Similar size costs $290 and up elsewhere. I told my Mom about it and she couldn't resist.
I took the bait in a second. While I am incredibly thrilled and L-O-V-E the blue akoyas, I think it's started what I see as a permanent addiction to pearls. I kept thinking about how nice it would be to get a tahitian something next. To my surprise, the new PP monthly special was already out and AAA tahitian earrings no less! So I ordered them on the spot and am teetering as I wait to get these lovelies. According to UPS, I should get them this coming Friday. Will definitely post pics when I get them! :)
I paid full list price when I bought mine a few months back, nevermind :rolleyes:

DK :)


Did you buy 8-9mm? I was under the impression you prefer larger size.
Did you buy 8-9mm? I was under the impression you prefer larger size.

They are intended to go with my diamond earring jackets, however, they are a tad too large and sit too proud, so I wear them on their own on my dress down days, this usually means weekends when I go out and about walking and playing with Borda :D

I would love a pair of 13mm+, yes :D

DK ;)
While I am lusting for the pearls themselves, this special just doesn't tempt me. I have never been a fan of pearl studs, unless they are small buttons. Big round studs just sit plopped on top of my ear and look odd. But I am certainly happy for all of you stud fans!
Actually Boo, I feel the same way about having round pearl studs on my ears. The only ones I have are the Freshadamas (8.5-9mm I think) and they do seem out of place and gigantic on my ears... but to FINALLY get my hands on tahitian pearls is still a wonderful treat. Then...it'll be a matching pendant. :)
Ooh... Maybe I should order them now so they're there when I get home? There's no risk of them selling out, right?

I'm a little worried that they won't work with my skin tone, but maybe they'll be fab! Such a killer deal, though!
Oh rats! I love those but can no longer wear pierced earrings for medical reasons--not fair!
Oh rats! I love those but can no longer wear pierced earrings for medical reasons--not fair!

That's a shame :(

How about asking PP to make you a pair of clip on ones? The findings are more expensive, about 75 USD more, as there are more gold involved, however, it would be worth it IMHO :)

DK :)
Screwbaxks are better. The clipons hurt so bad ...
These are so gorgeous and the price is great, but they'd be heeeyuuuge on me. Even 6mm studs look big on my ears.

But the PP special was my gateway drug to buy Kamoka keishi studs from Kojima. I neglected to save their photos of the little leaf-like ones I bought, but here's the similar pair that's left.

Definitely a fan of studs, though. Earrings that are more dangly than a small huggie hoop look odd with very short hair-- on me, at least.
Those earrings are lovely. I too agree the clips hurts a lot more and with screwbacks you have the option to make adjustments.
Here are this month's special from Pearl Paradise. I am quite the novice so maybe that's why it's a bit difficult to see any peacock overtones but I think I captured a bit of it as it was reflecting off the white background.

The nice thing is that dark pearls match my skin tone quite well!


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Hmm... I think I'm going to pass and wait for more PP specials. $160 could go a long way... and currently I don't have any other pieces to match it with. :(