Which one looks purdier..AAA or freshadama?


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
I know this has been discussed out the wazoooo...but I can't seem to find any threads.

I have a hankerin' for a strand of nice pearls. Been stringing for seven years but never bought some for myself.

SO...I'm looking at freshadamas OR AAA freshwaters.

When these are placed side by side, what is the difference?

Also...do any of yall buy these, and restring them yourself to get the desired length or to add a favorite clasp?

(I'm thinking of putting a mason jar on the kitchen counter and telling anyone passing out the backdoor to dump pocket change for Mama's pearls :) )
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When I hold Freshadama beside AAA freshwater, the first thing I notice is the surface. The AAA can be minimum 95% clean, where as the Freshadama are usually exceptional 99% blemish free. So you will still see a pit or two and a few wavy lines on the AAA, where as the Freshadama will be pretty much perfect. The AAA and Freshadama will also have a noticeable difference in luster. Freshadama usually has the best orient as well. All in all, at ten paces you won't know the difference, hold them in your hand and look at them a minute, you'll see the difference.
When I hold Freshadama beside AAA freshwater, the first thing I notice is the surface. The AAA can be minimum 95% clean, where as the Freshadama are usually exceptional 99% blemish free. So you will still see a pit or two and a few wavy lines on the AAA, where as the Freshadama will be pretty much perfect. The AAA and Freshadama will also have a noticeable difference in luster. Freshadama usually has the best orient as well. All in all, at ten paces you won't know the difference, hold them in your hand and look at them a minute, you'll see the difference.

Good advice. For those of us that like to gaze fondly at our pearls, the difference will matter. ;)
I don't know about Presidential as I have not purchased any. I have AAA, Freshadama and some very high orient exotics. The AAA's I have do have great luster in both CFW and akoya. The Freshadama are my all time favorite. The high orient exotics give me all kinds of inspiration for new pieces.

I hear the Presidential line is great.
I know the Freshadama are worth every cent.
Do yourself a favor. If you are going to hold it in your hand remember that you get what you pay for. Pick a good line and go for it.
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Initially, I was looking for a beautiful strand of white FWs for everyday wear. Initially, I decided on a 26" AAA white FW strand from PP. You know what happened when I got them in the mail? I was disappointed. They looked too perfect, too pretty, too round, too "fake." They were shiny, white pearls, which was exactly what I wanted, but I really felt like I could've gone out and got some glass pearls for $200 cheaper.

(I actually cheated and got my 7-8mm 18" white freshadamas off ebay for $100 shipped, but that's besides the point)

When I got my white freshadamas, I LOVED them! While it was very hard to see the difference in comparison to the AAAs, I just felt like the freshadamas had more "character." So... I exchanged the AAAs for a 7-8mm pink freshadama strand, and I've never been happier.

I think beautiful, high quality, expensive jewelry speaks for itself. I wear my pink freshadamas pretty often (I need to start wearing my whites), and I can't tell you how perfect they are in person. I've gotten so many compliments, and the pinks are so lusterous that they're metallic! It's actually pretty hard for people to realize that they're pearls.

(Plus, the pinks are dazzling in direct sunlight... I was sitting outside with some friends and one mentioned, "Your pearls are blinding me!')
$100 freshadamas? Whaaat?? :eek:

Thanks all for the advice. Sounds like the freshadamas are worth the price. I'd be interested in Jeremy's take....
erm... yes.. I found a very nice lady who got them as a gift and didn't want them anymore. She didn't know they were Freshadamas though... I think they were from '06... one of the first ones out, no? Anyway, they came with all the PP paper work, appraisal, freshadama postcard thingy, box, original shipment statements, etc. etc. And hey, if they aren't freshadamas, they're BEAUTIFUL and I love them anyway :)
to answer your first question, I have bought a 16 inch strand of Gem-quality pearls from PP and these I have restrung as I wanted a centerpart on the necklace with gem stones. The necklace turned out lovely, it is just so formal now that I have the feeling I can wear them only on a visit to a theater or some very formal occasion. As for your 100 $ Freshadama necklace it could be that this was one of the strands that PP gave away. There is a post somewhere. Are the pearls size 7-8 mm? However when you purchase a fine strand think very careful about the size. I have by now a whole collection of necklaces with different sizes, but my absolute favorite in size is between 9 and 10 mm. They look absolutely great and there was a thread with several posts and pictures where you can see the difference on a "model neck".
Hi, danachit,

There is a wonderful thread with pictures of jerin's pearls--some are Freshadamas and others, I think, are AAAs:

(I actually cheated and got my 7-8mm 18" white freshadamas off ebay for $100 shipped, but that's besides the point)
Ah-HA! You got them! I was wondering if I knew who dove on that deal. I was waiting to see if she'd have to come off her reserve before I pounced because they weren't exactly what I was looking for. Aversion to yellow gold and whatnot. She had to run that listing twice, IIRC. Very nice snag! :D
I agree that I prefer Freshadama and buy them for my customers (I'm a personal shopper). Akoyas, although lovely are just too perfect in my humble opinion. Freshadama, as stated above, have more character and orient. You feel like you can wear them at any time and still feel totally glam. I am still looking for my rope (sigh) (although I did see a pink strand from Mikimoto which was outrageously expensive). I did buy a lovely pistachio recently and once I receive it I will show it to you. (so excited!)

Ciao bellos and bellas
I have AAA, Freshadama and some very high orient exotics. The AAA's I have do have great luster in both CFW and akoya. The Freshadama are my all time favorite. The high orient exotics give me all kinds of inspiration for new pieces.

I hear the Presidential line is great.
I know the Freshadama are worth every cent.
Do yourself a favor. If you are going to hold it in your hand remember that you get what you pay for. Pick a good line and go for it.

"Pick a good line and go for it."

How are you supposed to know what line is "best"? They all have the same description about them.
As our online vendors have pretty much the same conditions, you could try any of them without having to be worried you won?t get the quality pearls you want. So just order....
How are you supposed to know what line is "best"?

Well, there isn't really a "best". It's just which company has what meets your wants and needs at the moment! Luckily, Mervione, you know enough now to ask the questions that will get you what you want. And which sellers are trustworthy------------and to think you know all this at only age 19!!! And are creating lovely jewelry too!

That?s why I used the " signs on the best word. The thing is, I don?t think you can just "pick a line" if you have any certain needs because the descriptions about the lines are all the same. I think you?ll need to study and mail the vendor and see if they have anything for you. That?s what so special about pearls... They are never anything that are made in a fabric and they wont ever have precise grades like other things can have.

Thanks for the comment about me being very knowledgable! It means a lot. I am glad that my interest for pearls started when I was 18, it means I should be some kind of the pearl world?s Dalai Lama (Spelling?) when I?m 30! I?m going to try to take GIA?s pearl course when they are done with the new one.
I've been updating my albums-- I just added this photo of my 7-8mm Freshadamas. I think they have great luster:

Freshadamas larger photo
Lovely string of freshadamas, Pearl dreams, just proves why just about everyone concurs that they're one of the best buys out there!
Thanks, and exactly my point-- you can't go wrong with the Freshadamas if lustrous round pearls is what you are after. I expect the same is true of the similar lines from other vendors, but I don't have any of their top of the line CFWP to post photos of for comparison-- maybe someone else does?

As for your 100 $ Freshadama necklace it could be that this was one of the strands that PP gave away.

Weren't those giveaways 16" long, though? I thought I'd read that.