newbie, 1st purchase and a question


New Member
Dec 15, 2007
Hi everyone

this is my first post. I am a newbie in the area of pearls. I always wanted a pearl accessory but was hesitant due to the high price. Recently my interest came back and I was tempted to get a Mikimoto. I started asking around on pearls and was directed to this forum.

To cut the long story short, I got my 1st pearl from PearlParadise. This is my lavendar freshwater pearl bracelet.


I am very happy about my purchase. Now I am looking at Freshadama pendant.

Pardon a newbie's ignorance... do white Freshadama have overtones too? Thank you for helping with my question in advance! :)
White Freshadamas have a slight rose overtone. They're not treated so it's not the full-blown "pink" like Hanadamas, but if you compare it to other white pearls it will look rose.
Hi, Orangetree

I think you made a superb buy with these lovely pearls.
Raisondetre said:
White Freshadamas have a slight rose overtone. They're not treated so it's not the full-blown "pink" like Hanadamas, but if you compare it to other white pearls it will look rose.

That's not true. Most of the white Freshadamas are bleached. Under the forum "Consumer Q&A", there is a thread titled "A Misnomer?" in which Jeremy states this on 6/5/06, post #26.

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I stand corrected, but Freshadamas are not generally pinked like the Akoyas are, so the rest of my statement remains true.
Congratulations on such a beautiful bracelet!

I have 3 different strands of freshadama and two of them have slight silver overtones, the other has a rose overtone. So if you have a particular overtone in mind, they should be able to find one that pleases you.
thank you

thank you

thank you for the replies! :)

Raisondetre, Gail and youngster - thank you so much for your inputs. I noted that Freshadama does not have as strong an overtone as akoyas. Am hesitant to get the pendant now as I would prefer something with a stronger overtone.

jerin and Caitlin Williams - :) thanks for the compliments! this bracelet is my baby now. *grin
For white pearl pendants I'd save up and get a South Sea, unless you were very small. I'm only 5'1" and I prefer 12 mm pendants. But for the pink and lavender freshwater pendants you can't go wrong with Freshadamas.