I did my first day of shopping yesterday. Didn't make it too far, I must say. Pearlgully (Gail) pm'd me some names and addresses and I got my map and started out. Wasn't really too sure what to expect or who would want to talk to a small timer like me. I also left without my camera, so I had to take phone pics

The first place I went was Eliko. I figured out how to get in - very tight security in the building, and before I got to the door, ran into Cynthia in the hall. She was great, but was working on another project so she steered me to Maren. I must say I have never been in a commercial showroom before and was afraid I would not be taken seriously, but she was awesome and everyone was very, very nice. They have great pearls there (I think) and an enthusiasm and love for them that matches the PGers. She started by bringing me Tahitians, since I had Tahitians on. They were nice, but I am working on something with Kamoka right now, and the pearls were not as nice as Josh's. Then we looked at some golden South Sea keshis that were just stunning. Getting those. She had mixed strands of freshwaters, Tahitians and white and gold SS. Very nice - too much for me though. Then came all the FWs in all shapes, sizes and colors. She only brought me natural colors, as I asked and boy were they PRETTTTY!

They do not deal in commercial grade and so the prices reflect that, but I have not been buying commercial, so I have been in that range anyway. Really good luster and colors. They are proud of their pearls and it shows. So I'm posting pictures that I took. I am struggling over how much to spend, because of also hitting a gemstone bead place hard (more on that later) and placing a Tahitian order. This is turning big, but I want to make a push for Christmas. Oh my gosh, they had this one stunning pearl that I am wrestling with. South Seas white by species and planning, but the most beautiful silver blue intense color you can imagine. It was around 15mm and just gorgeous, but as much as the strand of SS keshis

Maren was wearing one that she had bought and made into a pendant, so I'll post that pic. Please forgive the poor quality of my phone pics. They are holding strands for me & I'll post better ones after my decision. The first one is the keshis, the second the strands they are holding - lots of yummy lavenders, the third is the big blue SS, oh dear just looking at it again makes me want it. Drool, sob, think about college tuition.

Oh Well. More to come.