Pearl shopping in NYC


Natural Pearl
Jun 12, 2008
Hello all,
I am off to NYC to take my daughter to college. I get around the city pretty well, because I lived there for 3 years, but wasn't into the same things then. ;) I know there are lots of wholesale places to buy beads, pearls etc. but can anyone help me with some specific good places to hit? I will have my tax license and also looking for other supplies. I did cruise around the posts, but I'm looking for more specific info. I'll take pictures and post anything of interest, and can also take notes for others.
I like Majestic which has been mentioned a few times on the forum. They're on the 2nd floor at 65 W.36th. They deal with just freshwater although one time I went they had a small bag of low-luster akoya. I'm hoping to post some jewelery I've made with Majestic merch so you can see what sort of things they have. I think another member's posted Majestic pearls as well. They have a pretty big selection of naturally colored pearls and lots of dyed pearls. I've checked out Eliko Pearls online and emailed them about opening a wholesale account but they never got back to me. You might have more luck if you call in.

Metalliferous and Beadaliferous are right next door to each other 2nd fl. 34 W.36th Metalliferous is good for tools and brass charms and chains. They have aluminum and sterling findings as well. The employees are a little weird though. Their bead store has a lot of mostly gem beads but some vintage non-gem beads. I'm pretty sure they have glass beads and they definitely have pearls although I'm not sure of the quality since the last time I went it was before I got into P-G and pearls in general. Myron Toback is also supposed to be good for supplies 25 W.47th St, and it's right next door to David Masri which was recommended by another member for pearls I think.

Don't forget that if you're going to a store in the Diamond District, odds are that it will be closed. Majestic, Myron Toback, and David Masri are all closed on Saturdays and metalliferous is as well until sometime in September.

I hope that helps! Take lots of pictures for us :)
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Metalliferous and Beadaliferous are right next door to each other 2nd fl. 34 W.36th Metalliferous is good for tools and brass charms and chains......... The employees are a little weird though./QUOTE]

Metalliferous is on 46th St. (not 36th St.). "Weird" I chuckled when I read that. Ask for Nickoli, he's very nice and extremely helpful.

By all means go to Eliko. They're also on 46th St. (2 West, Ste. 907). Definitely call first 212 764-0017. Cynthia usually helps me; she's wonderful. Their pearls are high quality and not cheap.

You might want to try D.S.L. Pearl, Inc. at 15 West 47th St. and Ocean Dreams at 1170 Broadway.

I posted twice a while back for places to go in the city but you'll have to do a search because I'm not sure where they are. Feel free to PM me with questions; I have a lot of information.

Have a great trip.
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I did my first day of shopping yesterday. Didn't make it too far, I must say. Pearlgully (Gail) pm'd me some names and addresses and I got my map and started out. Wasn't really too sure what to expect or who would want to talk to a small timer like me. I also left without my camera, so I had to take phone pics :( The first place I went was Eliko. I figured out how to get in - very tight security in the building, and before I got to the door, ran into Cynthia in the hall. She was great, but was working on another project so she steered me to Maren. I must say I have never been in a commercial showroom before and was afraid I would not be taken seriously, but she was awesome and everyone was very, very nice. They have great pearls there (I think) and an enthusiasm and love for them that matches the PGers. She started by bringing me Tahitians, since I had Tahitians on. They were nice, but I am working on something with Kamoka right now, and the pearls were not as nice as Josh's. Then we looked at some golden South Sea keshis that were just stunning. Getting those. She had mixed strands of freshwaters, Tahitians and white and gold SS. Very nice - too much for me though. Then came all the FWs in all shapes, sizes and colors. She only brought me natural colors, as I asked and boy were they PRETTTTY! :D They do not deal in commercial grade and so the prices reflect that, but I have not been buying commercial, so I have been in that range anyway. Really good luster and colors. They are proud of their pearls and it shows. So I'm posting pictures that I took. I am struggling over how much to spend, because of also hitting a gemstone bead place hard (more on that later) and placing a Tahitian order. This is turning big, but I want to make a push for Christmas. Oh my gosh, they had this one stunning pearl that I am wrestling with. South Seas white by species and planning, but the most beautiful silver blue intense color you can imagine. It was around 15mm and just gorgeous, but as much as the strand of SS keshis :eek: Maren was wearing one that she had bought and made into a pendant, so I'll post that pic. Please forgive the poor quality of my phone pics. They are holding strands for me & I'll post better ones after my decision. The first one is the keshis, the second the strands they are holding - lots of yummy lavenders, the third is the big blue SS, oh dear just looking at it again makes me want it. Drool, sob, think about college tuition. :o Oh Well. More to come.


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Good enough photos to really get the idea! What a fun time, glad you are finding excellent quality, and that blue pearl in the pendant, WOW!!
Hi Sheryl,
Thanks for the photos - all the pearls are lovely, but the blue pearl, well, I'm speechless ! (And that's saying something !)

What sizes were the pearls in the 2nd picture?

If you take more photos, maybe you could put a coin in the picture for comparison?
Hi Sheryl,
Thank you for your report and pictures. I am in love with the blue pearl.

Can't wait to see what you decide on! Lots of fab choices--lucky you!! Oh, Yes, blue pearl lust----big time----

What sizes were the pearls in the 2nd picture?

If you take more photos, maybe you could put a coin in the picture for comparison?
They were between 11mm and 12mm in length.
OK, I'm on my way back down there to make my purchase, and I'm a little nervous. I've decided (I think) to buy all three of the South Seas in the pic below. Then what, I'm not sure, put them in a design or list them as is for other designers, hmmmm. Or keep one. :p I loved the golden South Sea keshis, but didn't get a lot of response about them, probably because the first pic was so bad, and they were dwarfed by the other strands and big blue. They were the priciest strand, but I've never seen one like that before. I will definitely pick up some other strands as well. I also bought some fabulous gemstone beads which will go on the lowly beaders thread, and am working on another buy as well, so I guess I'm getting nervous because this is my biggest venture out. It is right before Christmas, but economic worries, kid in college - you know. :confused: This is also my dream to go for it, and I know in the grand scheme of things it's very small time, so here I go. :eek: Thanks for listening!


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Hi Sheryl,
This is probably too late as you will be there by now, but I really don't think that you will regret the spend.
I feel sure that, if you have to, you will easily re-sell those pearls.
They look to be good quality and desirable.
If you don't buy them now, you will probably always wish that you had, and it's a lot cheaper to buy them now while you are there than get home and decide you really must have them and have to pay for another flight back to NY...:D....

And speaking of the grand scheme of things - I've lost a few good and dear friends and so, now, "spend it while you can, as you may not be able to tomorrow" is my philosophy....
Shhh, don't tell my husband......:D
I actually thought the golden SS keishi were pretty, and I'm not generally fond of yellow pearls.
I'm pretty equal-opportunity when it comes to keishis - and love the SS ones you posted. The lavenders and the SS singles you shared are really beautiful as well. I can imagine those singles in your designs...
OK, I am back in Hawaii (although only in the Honolulu airport so far) and with a couple of hours to kill thought I'd get these posted. I left Eliko with some very nice pearls and a really faboo (love it) experience. Very easy to work with and the nicest people. Thanks Maren and Cynthia! I never made it to any other pearl places except some streetside ones, and I found myself unable to go commercial after being in there. It is so amazing to literally dig through strands of pearls and decide by looking, touching and holding them up to your neck. I'm spoiled, and am more determined then ever to get to Pearl Paradise and look at their wares as well. I changed my mind on a couple of the strands and left with all 3 South Seas pearls (although one that wasn't in the original pics). I took the 2 big ones on "memo" so I haven't bought them yet, and have to decide whether to keep them or send them back. I wish I were big time and could get a lot and not worry about moving it, but alas... I had a hard time with the colors because the apt. I was staying in had very limited natural light (NYC), but I did get some that are pretty close, especially in the comparison pics. I also bought a strand of Tahitians for a necklace that a client has asked for (sorry Josh, she wants it right away). Anyway, take a look everyone. I feel like a real pearl person now, and also see that I am no longer a junior member, which is fitting considering how much I've become engrossed in all of this.
Thanks everyone! Stand by for more.
1) Golden SS keshis
2) Close Up of keshis
3) Lavendar baroques
4) Lavender rounds -really had a hard time with the colors on the full strand pic.
5) The "white" SS that I am keeping. I will probably make an enhancer pendant from it that would go on the golden strand in some fantasy world. :)


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OK, here are the Big Ones. Officially white South Seas, I'm not sure if I did them justice in any of the pics, but between them you get the idea.
The one in the first 3 pictures is hard to explain, it is a sort of pastel green tone with gold at the end. It looks like spring to me, and is very pretty next to the goldens keshis. The 2nd pearl is blue/silver with a more textured skin. The third one is the top dog pearl. It is the bluest one and has a liquid look to it with some texture that I guess is called sharkskin. They are so different from anything I've seen before. It is almost like the color is going to move around in the pearls. :p


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OK, last pictures. These have all the pearls together, and maybe they were showing off for each other, but the colors seem the truest in these pictures. :D


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