How old is this pearl ? Play again !

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From Cliclasp: I wish I could have the windows opened for me, but it was not possible, so sometimes the quality is not there

I understand--and would not want to do anything to discourage you from what you are doing on this thread. It's quite fun!:D

I am just guessing but I believe piece #2 and 3 could belong to the Edwardian era which came after the Art Nouveau. Piece No 1 could be later. However that would mean that all 3 pieces belong to the XX century.
Thanks for encouraging and participating to the game !
And we just passed over the 3 000 readers of the thread :D

While I was searching for more, I happen to pass on the "pearl expert" category on PG forum, funny isn't it ? :D

And the winners are ...........Inge and Sheryl ! Congratulations

I am just guessing but I believe piece #2 and 3 could belong to the Edwardian era which came after the Art Nouveau.

I think #1 & 2 are XX century. None of the 3 have classic Art Nouveau lines to me, but #2 is arranged in an Art Nouveau shape, so that would be the one I chose as closest. #3 looks like it might be much older with a natural pearl (what is it presenting?) and #2 looks like conch pearls. The diamonds and pearls in the first piece make me think of the dresses and jewlery of pre WWI and it looks European to me.

Answers are :
1 - Cartier, a festoon necklace of natural pearls from Persian Golf, 1912
2 - Tiffany, a conch pearl necklace, 1910- 1915
3 - Brooch, Natural pearl, gold, around 1880

So if the 3rd brooch clearly belongs to the XIX century (see the gold bow above the pearl !)
I personnaly would not say the 2 necklaces belong to Art nouveau.
Tiffany and Cartier (are not only the girls 'best friends ;)) but also create out of time jewelleries,
clearly inspired by the flourishing style of Edwardian period.
Conch pearls were very much in fashion at the turn of the century

Note : dog collar was in fashion from Queen Alexandra (she was married King Georges V, Queen Victoria's son) ; she was said trying to hide a scar from her neck.

Art nouveau was also time of intense natural pearl harvesting. Half came from Persian Gulf.
Soon the first WW, the 1929 crisis together with oil/petrole/gas new prodution bringing water pollution
created the decrease in offer and demand.
Opportunity for the cultivated pearl new industry ?
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What about this pearl ?
What, When, Where ? :p

play again


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Thanks again :)
We started 3500 BC and as we are reaching 1920,
so if anyone here has an idea on how to keep going on for long, just let me know :D:D
Hummm, probably a large natural pearl, too bad about all those diamonds ;) ;) maybe Tiffany??
Hummm, probably a large natural pearl, too bad about all those diamonds ;) ;) maybe Tiffany??

HA! I was thinking similarly - the bead set/pave/whatever they are look fine but the larger stone throws off the balance of the whole piece to my eye.

My guess - a slide pendant or perhaps brooch still thinking Edwardian from forms and the big sparkler on there. I defer to Pattye's natural pearl assessment.
Oh! I stand corrected!!

Need to brush up on my jewelery history, that's for sure. Ask me architecture any day of the week, though. ;)
So you will have a lot to say on the architecture Art deco period coming soon on this thread!!!!
I think this is sometime in the 1920's. It looks like just before the move into Art Deco to me. I love how it looks like a person's head, but no face. It reminds me of the Cartier necklace, so I'll go with Cartier. What - I think it is a glove clip used to hold ladies gloves.
I'm still here!

One of my first instincts was that this might be a shoe shoe clip? Glove clip? ??
Hi Everyone,
I was taking some time to write something interesting about transition between art nouveau and art deco, that's quite a job !
Meanwhile, we are so close to the end, I am not hurrying up ! :rolleyes:

meanwhile, let's talk about process, if you are ever interested in :p

I have had a course on jewelry history on march/june.
Then after, I have taken more than one thousand photos (4 museums), in april/ may/ june in Paris where I live and I intend to go to London in september, then will remain to see MET in NY then Washington where I know there is a lot to see.

I have selected 2 categories of pictures from my thousand ones:
- one for the story of clasps through ages I am writing on (I am specialized as you may know ;))
- second on pearl history just to share on PG forum and Caitlin offered me a warm welcome .

To write a sensitive comment avoiding copy/paste, I look at my course, then cross the infos with 2 other stories of general jewelry + 2 books on pearls' history + as I think historical context is utmost important, I check on wikipedia in french, then go to same in english to offer as good english as I can (thanks for undertsanding ;)).
Thenafter I mix it all up to produce as short but interesting comment as possible, so that not to be boring (art might be boring, said someone here :eek:)

I like to share it with you all ;)
Thanks for appreciating and being a little bit patient.

I think I wrote too much today ... :D answer on last photo coming soon...
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So the brooch was a natural baroque pearl weighing 208 grains by Raymond Templier 1935, a major designer of Art deco period

So many things in such a short period of time :

- Art Nouveau was synthesized at Paris "Exposition internationale" 1900
- Art deco was presented at Paris International Exposition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Art in 1925

- Art nouveau was not strictly interrupted by WWI, it is said to end about 1920 or so
- Art deco is said to have began as from 1910 but fixed at 1925 art deco exhibition, alive until 1939

- Art nouveau liked winding swirling lines and garland style, inspired by nature, real and fantasy animals, vegetals, women faces
- Art deco liked geometric, cubic, zigzagged geometric lines, inspired by cubism and architecture

- Art nouveau liked pastel colors, enamel, baroque pearls, opals,
- Art nouveau liked opposite colors, laquer work, lapis, coral, jade, ivory, onyx

- Art nouveau liked the natural baroque pearls
- Art deco was the beginning of cultivated pearls,

- Lalique was said to be the "creator" of modern jewelry at Art nouveau period,
- French Art Deco jewellery designer Raymond Templier (1891-1968), was said to be a pioneer in that way

- Art nouveau, designer Horta said : "I keep the stem I throw away the flower"
- Art deco period, Cezanne said : 'nature can be treated by cylinder, sphere, cone"

How did Art passed from Art nouveau to Art deco ?

- Developpement of aicraft, modern aerodynamic designs emerging from advancing technologies, expressing practical modernity
- Arriving of Diaghilev Ballets russes opened new ideas of colors and exoticism ; Inspiration from the far (Japon, China, Africa, Egyptomania :Touthankamon tomb 1922) continued in a different way
- Afer WWI people wanted to get off the dramatic moments they lived, so it was "the roaring twenties", time for different jewels
- After WWI , and 1929 depression, wealtheness changed,
-Women (WW widows) used to go working, replacing men at war, dressed shorter, cut their hair, wanting to live freely far from the XIX and Art nouveau women status, claiming for rights and voting liking sport and dancing, not only willing to be beautiful...

They began wearing pearls for less formal occasion, time for long rope (see louise Brooks)

2 trends can be seen in Art Deco
- high grad lavishness is attributed to reaction to the forced austerity imposed by World War I.
- everyday useful objects and mass production starting the design concept : beauty for everyone one as low cost

Japanese cultured pearls first reached European and American markets in the 1930s, although the gems did not become popular until the 1950s, some people initially rejected cultured pearls, but notably Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, embraced them, using the gems in her elegantly casual designs.

One might say, Art deco the linking period between end of natural pearls unique offer and cultivated pearls offer.
It was surely the end of pearl for the elite :)

Hope you enjoyed the story, any additional comment welcome
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What's that made of and coming from ? :confused:

play again :p


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This one is hard to see, especially for colors. The stones look like pink sapphires, The pearls are round and look darker, but the light is off and I think the 30's was the beginning time of the Akoya/Mikimoto popularity, I think so I'll go with Akoya's. They look like they are set into metal, so I'll say gold is a material. The scallop is incredible with so many stones and I think this is a brooch. I don't know, but something makes me want to say French?? Just guessing. Thanks Anna!
I think this is a brooch. I don't know, but something makes me want to say French?? Just guessing.
only this is right ;)
However, something very important happened in pearls at the same time as cutivated pearls arrived on the market

Search again :cool: