Freshwater Wish List


New Member
May 31, 2008
Since Freshwater are my favourite type, I thought there should be a new thread .. well just because.

So tell me what is currently on your wishlist ?

Mine ?

I'm waiting for my birthday, or tax return, which ever comes first (before I explode) for a white baroque 16 inch, an opera length 8-9mm and (not freshwater, but its my thread so I set the rules) a baroque tahitian strand, and a double strand 8-9mm white freshwater strand.

I'm also waiting on my eternity ring .. but thats a whole different thread for another forum :p

x K
Fingers crossed!

An rope can always double up as a double strand, no excuse needed... so maybe you have more leeway then you thought with the list ;)


I am not sure I have a pearl wish list at the moment. A ring with a large, interesting pearl would be nice.
Earrings. I'd like the Juliette in white Freshadama from PP.

My sweetie wants me to have a graduated strand. Maybe 6m to 10mm in white Freshadama someday.

I have 4 (spectacular) dark lavendar fw's with teal overtones and 3 plum red exotics. I'd like to take one red and two teals and make a bracelet with gold chain.

Then I'd make a tin cup alternating the (2) reds, (2)teals, and (3) Tahitians from the loot if I could. Those reds were something!

The city strand. And one in peach. And one in blue-black.

Several new bracelets, blue, black, exotic colors.

My puppy accidentally broke my favorite bracelet and I haven't fixed it so I need something pretty to look at. Maybe she needs a pearl collar.
Freshwater wish list?
Where do I start?

Freshwater baroques.
Multi color strand.
A tin cup.
and a strand of whites long enough to drape and drape and drape.

I thought I had my list all worked out, but now I'm vacillating.

Was planning to get 16" white 7-8mm freshadamas with white 6-7mm studs and possibly a set of dangles, then the same in a set of lavenders in the nebulous future. I want to request pearls that are as cool-silvery as possible, so I feel like I should at least try to make those in two "set" orders to facilitate matching.

Now I'm wondering if I should take advantage of the excellent city strand deal. I don't usually wear long necklaces and I'd have to hang onto them until fall, at least, because I'd die if someone asked me if Carrie Bradshaw inspired me to wear them. But taking the long view, I know they'd be an invaluable addition to the accessory wardrobe of all the women in my family, would get lots of use, and the price is amazing.

Then there's the clasp quandary. Most people don't know much about pearls. People who know just a tad look at the clasp to "judge" the quality of the strand, so I'd like one premium clasp that could play musical pearl strands when someone needed it for a foray into snootville.

Not sure what I'll do, but it's pretty amazing I could buy all that with less than 2k and wear them for several lifetimes. $2,000 won't get one very far at Mikimoto. :)
I'm currently vacillating on the city strand. Really I want a knockout AAA or gem-quality (good rose overtones and orient are my love) triple strand, so that may be worth waiting for even though the versatility to double and have opera length is super tempting.

Also on my wish list is a choker length BIG lavender strand. Like 10mm-11mm since we're talking wishes.

A looooong white rope since I seem to be adding ropes. TPO's has caught my eye.

Lavender dangle earrings and a lavender baroque necklace. While I am on baroques, possibly white, too.

And, of course, some gorgeous white gem quality studs or dangles. I don't actually own round white earrings. Crazy?
well this week.

Six, 20 mm Fresh water rounds and six 20 mm drops for a project I finally hope to be able to tackle this fall! coloring thinking white and the Pearls do not have to be gem quallity (I am a lowly beader after all) but as uniform as posible.

Will see My Dad is having MAJOR back surgery the end of the month so will see how things shape up...

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ummm, all the pearls in packages currently on their way to me. I'm only in the business so I can buy buy buy pearls.....!
How did I not include exotics? Yes, this is proof I am crazy. Or perhaps just overworked.
I'm lusting after a big fat multi-colored strand of freshadamas. I especially love the ones that include some black pearls with the gold, lavender, white and peach. I just want some that are big and expensive.

(indicative of my age. The older you get, the larger the pearls, I've noticed. LOL!)
....but I do want, for me, a strand of big fat round lavender/pinks. Just the right shade to look warm on my skin. 11-12mm I've got some smaller but I want the biggies.
Right now I'm really into tahitians and SS pearls, but I would really love a baroque peach strand with colorful overtones.
There's only one item on my FW wish list at the moment and it will never come true :(. A strand of Kasumi pearls with intense colors... purple, pink, apricot, bronze, etc.
(not freshwater, but its my thread so I set the rules) a baroque tahitian strand, ............;
x K

So I follow you on that trend

pear shaped Tahiti mixed with circled ones, very multicolored in green and purple...

+ a sea of Cortez whole strand ( I have only 2 ...)

If or when Abalones will be one day cultured:rolleyes:, something with (not mabe)
Though I already have a big natural one...

Sarah has some amazing Kasumi at I have been looking and drooling.

Dana, I have to agree, the older I get, the larger the pearls! With the exception of some keshi in amazing colors.

so many pearls, so little time
A 8-9 or 9-10 gem quality lavender freshwater strand...

As for non freshwater pearls, I?d like an abalone pearl very much (Something for the future I think.) I just love the blue and green colours of them... Would also like at least one tahitian strand, baroque or round doesn?t really matter as long as it?s shiny and have nice, strong colour. Oh, and some golden SS pearls, with a really intense, golden colour...
Sheesh, I think I could actually help most of the people with their wish list, but for me, I want that elusive 24mm peacock colored naturally colored keshi-type pearl, I had one for a while, but it broke on me, leaving me sad, the problem is, that you can't just order such a thing from china, if they realize that the ones they sell me are actually worth 100 times+ what they sell them to me for, the price goes up, so I am stuck asking for kilo's of baroque naturally colored pearls and searching through them.

I got a perfectly med-dark pink pearl once in a parcel, Got $65 for it because the luster was so awesome. I got another Kilo and a half on order from S. China, anyone want to see the cool ones I get?
Of course we want to see!

Pics pics pics! :D