Help me pick


New Member
Mar 21, 2008
Hi, am new and been reading past threads while waiting for posting privileges. :)

Firstly, would like to know if anyone in Asia had success buying online from the retailers often mentioned here. I've emailed some retailers, haven't had reply yet, and noted some do not ship to Asia/ certain countries? Mine's not on the list of countries SPECIFIED, but I am in Asia. Another thing, how do I get bank verification on my CC, to use at certain retailers?
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I think for your budget you would be better off going for high-grade freshwaters. Even "small" (8-10 mm) tahitian round strands would cost about $3K for high quality, and you really don't want to compromise and get something you don't really love. A bracelet would be a viable alternative - that would suit your budget nicely.
Hi, am new and been reading past threads while waiting for posting privileges. :)

Most people around me (incl. DH), don't seem to think favourably of very baroque shapes/ heavily ringed.

The way you word this makes me think that your own opinion differs from theirs. This is for YOU to wear and you should get what you like.

Baroques have a lot going for them and the opinions of those around you would probably change after they saw them! ;)
Thx for the replies :) . Am actually looking at Tahitian Baroques, just not the very ringed ones. Some of the $600-1600 necklaces look fine to me... am just mulling on them abit more.

Eg. the one that Hanaleimum (sorry if I got her nick wrong) took pics of? The one she decided to give up and return, I think I might like that

Or, ... this I think no one around me will be too upset.

I'm a little perplexed by
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I urge you to do a search on this forum about; there are issues you may wish to read about before deciding whether to order from them.
A bracelet would be a viable alternative - that would suit your budget nicely.

I was wondering if I could have maybe a "half-strand/ one-third-strand" on my neck... maybe like, 5-8 graduated silk-knotted pearls, linked onto a plain gold chain? But it wouldn't drape well? I haven't seen anything like this, or something to that effect?

Pearl Dreams,
thanks for the heads-up. Am reading now.
Actually what you're describing is called "add a pearl." It's generally done when building a pearl strand. Your budget more than allows a full strand, so my question is, why does this design appeal to you? Are you looking for half chain, half pearls? 2/3 pearls? There are several extender clasps which would give you some chain to work with and you'd also have the flexibility of wearing the strand short, long, or somewhere in between.
Knotty Panda,
yes my preference is for full strand necklace, but if that's not within budget, to go half-strand. Because bracelets are quite out of the question for me. :)
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Hi BlueOPawprint and welcome!

To start with your last question first: Pearl Paradise has several very nice pendant findings, if You are not able to finish it with a pearl, they gladly will do it if you just choose a pearl You would like. I stated wrongly that they have enhancers, that?s not true, they have pendant findings only, sorry!

Secondly you could always try a local jewelry shop for enhancers.

Thirdly: Yes you can use that enhancer you have on your Mikis, they wont suffer if you use it just occasionally. But be sure to check the overal condition of the silk on this strand. If it is old, it could be that you need to restring it first for safety reasons. And no, why should your 2-stone diamond pendant look lost on an enhancer?

Of course, 6-6,5 mm pearls are not very large but only if the combination enhancer and pendant is too large, it might be a bit too much for the strand in weight terms and looks.

Now to the more important things:
First you need to be quite clear about what it is that YOU WANT and not what other people migt think is suitable for you. It is you paying an not they, so forget them!

Tahitian pearls are lovely and if you have 1,600 dollars to spend, the strand from The Pearl Outlet looks superb! And 10 mm is a substantial size but not too large either!

But for that kind of money you could email or call Paerl Paradise as well, because they could put together a strand just for you, according to your wishes. They have lots and lots of pearls to choose from.

The one strand that Hanaleimon sent back is circled but as You write that you are not so interested in circled ones, perhaps you should go for the drops, like Terry?s.

The American Pearl shows a strand that looks perfect in shape and luster but for 1,000 dollars you would not get that kind of Tahitian strand with round pearls! As Pearl_dreams pointed out, this is a company you should perhaps be cautious about. Read the posts (there are several).

If you have a strand with size 9-10 mm, an enhancer will look good.

Still, if You should choose the strand from The Pearl Outlet I think you would be very pleased.

However, don?t forget to take a very close look at all the nice Freshwater strands, they are lasting a lifetime and have very attractive prices compared to South Sea pearls.

A last word of warning buying form China or Asia: You never know what you?ll get, shipping costs are usually exhorbitant and their return policies might not make you happy! Stealing photos from other companies is a method that is used widely too, expecially if you gor for Ebay, so.....

Good luck and let us know once you have decided...:)
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Hi Bluepawprint,

I won't go into all the questions as others have beat me to it, but I am located in Japan. Since you asked about customers in Asia, I thought I would drop a line. I have only bought from The Pearl Outlet and Pearl Paradise, so I can only speak for for them, but I have had outstanding service from both. The shipping is very professional and my pearls have always arrived quiet safely. The pearls themselves are beautiful and much better for a lower cost than I can get here. And the staff are very helpful. For example, I had a problem with my first order with Japanese customs, they were confused about the declared value vs. the appraised value. I had to send them my email receipts and had several conversations with the customs agent to sort it out. But it only happened once because now I just ask the companies to send the appraisal seperately to avoid the confusion. I wouldn't hesitate to order from any regular contributor here. Good luck with your search and show us what you end up deciding on. Personally, I loved the Pearl Outlet strand you linked to, the coors were outstanding. :)
BluePawprint said:
I was wondering if I could have maybe a "half-strand/ one-third-strand" on my neck... maybe like, 5-8 graduated silk-knotted pearls.

I don't think there was anything similar discussed on this forum as yet, and the style has disappeared from shops. You might want to try one out first.

What I've seen recently are long chains (half-way down to the waist long) set with pearls in creative ways: different sizes and colors, groups of 3-5 pearls - anything goes. Some of these come with fine pearls and resounding designer labels. The style doesn't sound like much - a ramped-up, rebel version of the good old tin-cup necklace after all, but they feel great on. If a jewelry shop nearby has one, try one on: it costs nothing and who knows, maybe you will have the same moment of discovery :)

Speaking of half strands: I wore one (about 8 inches of pearls, I think) tied with a ribbon a couple of times for evening. But then, the idea was to do an one-off unusual thing with some pearls on short notice. Not sure I'd wear such a thing regularly. More likely I'd space the pearls on chain for frequent wear - small spaces between them makes the pearls feel HUGE; it's even funny how strong the illusion can be. [the half strand ended up as a bracelet for a friend]

One more thing: if a part-strand sounds extreme, a strongly graduated choker could be an alternative. By strongly graduated, I mean something like THIS, possibly with the three pearls in front much larger then the others. Recently, I've tried on one matched from 4 to ~14mm! A strand of small natural pearls to which the jeweler was asked to add a large cultured centre ;) with the occasion of a restringing job. A darling, really. :cool:

Just a thought...
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Pearl Paradise has several very nice enhancer findings, if You are not able to finish it with a pearl, they gladly will do it if you just choose a pearl You would like.

But for that kind of money you could email or call Paerl Paradise as well, because they could put together a strand just for you, according to your wishes. They have lots and lots of pearls to choose from.

Thanks for all the warm welcome! :)
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One more thing: if a part-strand sounds extreme, a strongly graduated choker could be an alternative. By strongly graduated, I mean something like THIS, possibly with the three pearls in front much larger then the others. Recently, I've tried on one matched from 4 to ~14mm! A strand of small natural pearls to which the jeweler was asked to add a large cultured centre ;) with the occasion of a restraining job. A darling, really. :cool:

Thanks for the suggestion, I do like this idea very much- strong graduation, slightly shorter 16" length? I think it's prettier with more delicate pearls at side and back, and nicely chunky at the front. I'm unsure how receptive the retailers would be to this, I'd check with them when they reply to my email. :)
Thanks for all the warm welcome! :)

I found an Enhancer , it seems to be in YG, I was thinking of hanging my WG 2-stone diamond pendant. I'm not sure I want such a YG and WG mix though?

Instead of a pearl dangling, will ONLY be a 0.8ct diamond pendant... am not sure if the diamond pendant will look too small. Is it a simple DIY job to bend the enhancer litte loop, such that my pendant hooks on?

What size of the enhancer is suitable- is it one size fits all, ie. can I use the same on my 6-6.5mms as well as my larger (yet-to-purchase) Tahitians/ or FWs? Or would it look "loose"?

Yes I have emailed some vendors, too soon for any replies yet. I admit my requirements are a little volatile. Sometimes I think I want to spend all on a Tahitian, sometimes I think I don't mind it more circled/ lower-end with some leftover for a simple FW.

Well You beat me to it, I just saw the enhancer. As there are small pav?diamonds in front of it, Your 2-stone pendant will fit in nicely. I personally do like to mix WG and YG, that makes it easy to wear a matching ring, brooche or whatever together with your pearls.

I am not sure what you mean bey bending the loop - istn?t it rather that You want to open it so you can hang your pendant in it? As the loop should be open and not soldered, you can hold the enhancer with flatnose/chain nose pliers and open it up with another pair of flatnosed pliers. For doing this right, look at the site, they have a "learning center" where you can look up "how to open/shut jump rings) so you do not damage the enhancer.

Size is personal taste, for your small pearls I would buy a small size enhancer, they are not expensive at PP:s, for larger pearls I would go for a medium or large one, if the pearls are really large.

REgarding how much to spend I think you should perhaps start out with a nice freshwater strand and then buy the Tahitian strand. I have to say though, that TPO-strand looks mighty nice!

And when it comes to the Freshwater strands, there are no "simple" strands with our vendors. Their lowest quality is AA+ grade as far as I know but AAA is just a bit more expensive and once you see one of the high grades, you never want to go back to a lesser quality, that?s the way once you become a NCC otr pearl addict as we others have:D.....
Thanks for the suggestion, I do like this idea very much- strong graduation, slightly shorter 16" length? I think it's prettier with more delicate pearls at side and back, and nicely chunky at the front. I'm unsure how receptive the retailers would be to this, I'd check with them when they reply to my email. :)

There is a bit of a trick with those numbers in particular: it is not obvious what type of cultured pearls could come in all sizes from 4 to 14mm. That's partly why such strands are not common (and that's most likely why I like them!)- because the look isn't obvious for the cultured as it was for the mostly small natural pearls once upon a time ;)

At least to me, the trickle of tiny pearls in the back makes much of the fun - you get to feel the weight of the strand in front, and the choker never turns.

You'd need an ambitious seller for the little stunt. I hope someone can do this.
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I'm very excited by your description, I hope I can work out something like that *fingers crossed*!
Something tells me this isn't going to be a walk in the par for whoever will match the strand!

But since we started...

A beading planner (spreadsheet) distributes pearl sizes for a strong 4-14 graduation look like THIS ;) Clearly, these could be done differently, I've tried to match the look of the strand I had tried on.

Starting with that, the 'Gem Fresh' graduated strands of gem freshwater pearls from TPO look like a start for it; adding the larger pearls is probably going to take some searching. The largest fine, round, non-nucleated freshwater pearl I ever found was about 13mm. Larger one exist, but then, it is also a matter of quality.

Whether TPO can do the matching I have no clue. Another seller posting here turned in some natural color freshwater pearls of 12.5mm recently (see the 'Inhorgenta' thread). And Pearl Paradise has 12mm in their largest strands. :rolleyes: I'll probably get a restraining order for suggesting such a thing! :eek:
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