Pearl Paradise and Freshadamas

Spherical Flower

New Member
Dec 27, 2007
I was talking to my fiance the other night about Valentines Day. Pearls, I was like so what do you think of something like that for Valentines day and the wedding? but they are still very nice quality pearls and I like them. He's like what about the clasp, im like yeah, I know, its not very substanial, maybe we can purchase a different clasp and have it placed on the strand instead? I am still in love with hanadama akoyas, but how do they compare to freshadamas?
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I think you should give them a call. I would think they would attach any clasp you supplied, but you should just ask them.
Where can you buy pearl strand clasps anyway? I can't think of a place that sells, just clasps. A place like Stuller might have something, but then im not a jeweler, so that gets difficult. I'm just not sure. *thinks real hard* Hmm maybe if I walk into a jewelry store and look, no I don't want the pearls, just the clasp, hehe I don't think that would work. Any Ideas? I really appreciate it.
I bought a Tahitian pearl pendant from Pearl Paradise that has a small diamond in it. I am very hard to please and do not like poor quality stones and I was pleased with the one in the pendant setting. It sparkles and is very clear at least to the naked eye. Could you purchase one from Pearl Paradise clasp selection and have it sent to you for viewing? You could always visit your local jeweler and see if they have any catalogs to look through. Or have one custom made but that would be pricey.
A local jeweler, as such, is hard to find around here. Most mall chain stores don't have such catalogs for special orders.
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I'm just curious as to what carat weight you're looking for in the diamond clasp - not TCW, just the largest for individual diamonds. I don't think they grade small diamonds specifically for clasps, they do mention the carat weight and color, but most of it would be visual judgement.

BTW, I do think it's worthwhile going to a local fine jeweller and asking to see a selection of clasps. The less generic clasps I've seen so far have all been at fine jewellers, and I don't think anyone will turn down business. They may not get business for the pearls, but the added advantage is that you can get say a freshadama strand and have them put the clasp on for you locally.
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The second clasp from the post immediately above does look good. I saw a similar one at a local fine jeweller's on a AAA 9-10 mm lavender freshwater strand that was selling for 8.5K. A wedding is a once in a lifetime thing, so go with your gut. I personally wouldn't support AP for its misrepresentation, but you might not have the luxury of looking around for too long.
It may be possible for PP to order a similar clasp from one of the catalogs of jewelry findings (Stuller, Adwar, and the like). The model is neat but not extremely unusual, so chances are there is a similar one available somewhere. Some of these catalogs are online (those two are) so you could also choose from the one PP work with - you would just need to find out which that is.

Just a thought.
Hi Spherical Flower,

I am just curious to know: are we talking the Freshadama strand for a bit over 2,000 dollars?

I personally ordered a custom made double-row strand from PP, and had them put on an inherited clasp of my mom (yellow gold with a border opal), which turned out very well. If you are interested to have a look, check out "Show us your pearls".

Anyway I too think that PP could get you a clasp like the ones from AP, these shapes are not that unusual!
Besides that I am a believer of the pearls rather than a clasp studded with diamonds. It is the pearls one should react to, not the diamonds.:cool:

Let us know how you decided and what you got, photos are always well received around here.
I suggest going to a local jewelry store and looking at their selection. I use to work at a Mom and Pop type place and there were tons of books to look though. It was pretty common for people to come in looking for something specific and find it in one of the books. And if you chose something with a diamond you can request a specific color/clarity put in the clasp if you are not satisfied with what it comes with. We had a box with tons of small diamonds for this purpose.
I am not sure about this, but PP may also be able to get a better price for a clasp than you would buying it on your own, as they have pre-existing relationships with suppliers.
Well I just talked to somebody and she said yes they will attach a clasp from somebody else, and no it will not void a warranty, and just to make sure the clasp gets sent secured.
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They have a pattern of misrepresentation about their pearls, especially the akoyas. This pattern, and more, have been followed here on more than one thread.

Somebody wanting a setting from AP has happened one other time, member preswine's story. Jeremy has always been responsive to consumer demand, so if there is the demand, I think he will meet it.

While I think platinum is an excellent choice for a clasp, I would prefer to have another pearl on it over a diamond. If anything can scratch a pearl, it is to have a diamond rubbing on it.

I just found out I can add the picture to my signature! :cool:
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I'm not sure what this post is about ... all we have been doing is trying to provide information so you can make an informed choice. You can get whatever you want. Why the animosity?
Speaking of stones on clasps...

... does anyone else like stone colors that match the overtone of pearls? Say: pink beryl for blush white pearls and pinks, aquamarine or sapphire for just about everything, something green for Tahitians etc. Particularly when the stone is almost all that shows on the (small) face of the clasp - a bezelled solitaire, essentially.

Of course, a scratchy faceted stone on the clasp means keeping it away from the pearls all the time... which isn't all that hard with a fitted box helping ;)
I think that pinkish/red rubies are beautiful with white pearls. I also think that pearls with more of an ivory shade would look great with aquamarine.
Speaking of stones on clasps...

... does anyone else like stone colors that match the overtone of pearls? Say: pink beryl for blush white pearls and pinks, aquamarine or sapphire for just about everything, something green for Tahitians etc. Particularly when the stone is almost all that shows on the (small) face of the clasp - a bezelled solitaire, essentially.

Of course, a scratchy faceted stone on the clasp means keeping it away from the pearls all the time... which isn't all that hard with a fitted box helping ;)

If a clasp with a stone is used at all I think it?s a pretty good idea to get stones matching the overtones, clever!
Update on the clasp:

So I am now looking for rep. online dealers who sell just clasps. If anyone can give names of rep. dealers or websites that would be great. Also the type of clasp, would be something that looks durable and substantial. If anyone can help us out, we appreciate it very much. I have enough things to panic over, with how the wedding planning is going. I feel like I need a vacation. :rolleyes:
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