Hi Krensavage
Yes, please post one or more photos. Photos will increase interest a lot.
It does sound like a wonderful pearl. It is so rare to find such a pearl. I hope you consider getting it set in a piece of jewelry, or a tie tack or something, and start a family tradition with it.
It is next to impossible to guess what the market will be on such a rare piece, but if it is as perfect as the first post you put up describes it, you may find a buyer- perhaps even through someone visiting this forum.
Perhaps others who have found cherrystone clam pearls will pick up on your post too -
We had a number of comments on quahog pearls over here last summer. It appears that several people also have quahog pearls they found or inherited, and a few of them commented here, but it was pretty much agreed that there is not exactly a market, or a market value, because they are too rare. The value is whatever someone will pay.
One extraordinary set of 2 very large quahog pearls set in a 150 year old victorian brooch visited the Tucson Gem show last winter and created a huge sensation. The jewelry piece was on a publicity tour to drive up its value before it went to public auction. I believe they had it hyped up to 1/4 million, but I never heard what the actual sale price was...
A single unset cherrystone pearl will never bring anything close to the price for 2 very large quahog pearls in an antique setting, so don't get too excited.

Also it could have easily cost 100k to tour the antique piece professionally, in order to drive the price up, so they were obviously gambling that someone would pay top dollar for a well-known quahog pearl! Not bad for the pearl monger who found the (filthy) brooch in a second hand store mixed in with a basket of costume jewelry, for $14!