My pearl earrings


Dec 27, 2019
My pearl earrings. I might have a slight problem.... They are a mixture of white akoyas, white, peach, and metallic lavender freshwaters, white south seas, blue akoyas, and tahitians.

My collection of white akoyas, white, peach, and metallic lavender freshwaters, white south seas, blue akoyas, and tahitians pearl earringsAll of my pearl earring collection in boxesClose up on my pearl earrings collectionfreshadama studs, Tahitian studs, etc.photo71162.jpgfreshwater pearl earrings
So many pretty earrings. Don't worry there is room for plenty more. I did an inventory of my pearl earrings recently. I had more of them then I thought.
I don't see any problem with these :)
You are well equipped for any social event...and event for anti-social ones (living la vida loca during COVID times).
My pearl earrings. I might have a slight problem.... They are a mixture of white akoyas, white, peach, and metallic lavender freshwaters, white south seas, blue akoyas, and tahitians.

That is a serious collection of earrings! You're more or less covered the pearl spectrum!
Good morning Erg207
When you get your new Pearl Paradise earringearrings, share them with all of us at the "Show us your Pearls in Action"'s a great place to share your love of pearls :D