Crowned Whelk Pearl Thread

Darnit !

Darnit !

Is the pearl yours ?
I notice that it also has line through the middle as well. Do you know where the pearl came from ? As in what part of the country & what species ?

PearlFinderCharles ;)
Ashley said:
That's quite the difference- and some very interesting info, Charles! Excellent job!

Q: Does the Whelk's carnivorous diet enhance the color of the pearl, and if so, to what extent?...

Q: Obviously, the colder temperatures lead to finer crystallization of organic material (well, assuming that the snail's metabolic processes slow down in cooler temps which I think is a fairly safe idea); does the colder temperature enhance the flame pattern of the pearl?

A1: Crowned Whelk,Lightning Whelks & Channel Whelks are the Carnivores here. Being a diver i get to see odd things underwater. I have watched them eat Quahogs, Steamer Clams etc.. I believe that since they eat shell to get to the meat, they inherit a different structure of a pearl created in a whelk vs Conch. That is as far as what i can see. The Crowned Whelk here in New England have a very Orange Interior shell. The Conch from around the Florida keys has a pinkish interior and eats a softer diet of sea weeds and such ( Vegetarian ).

A2: I have found on this subject that the Whelk does not have a flame pattern at all, but a "Cat's Eye" Affect. I have found 2 others from here that also had the Cat's Eye affect.
I may not be an expert yet, but i reasearch daily and also observe these in the wild. Quite an experience.
PearlFinderCharles said:
I believe that since they eat shell to get to the meat, they inherit a different structure of a pearl created in a whelk vs Conch.

Hi Charles,

Do they actually eat the shell of their prey or just perforate it? I always thought they pried shell open and only munched on the meaty parts.

Actually, they eat it. They grind it down to tiny pieces. I believe this is how the Pearl is created. I'll have to share some underwater pictures i have taken of this. Whelks main diet is Quahogs from what i've seen underwater.
Hi Charles,

Why would they need to eat shell? There are plenty of minerals in sea water. There is an abundance of calcium carbonate everywhere. That's how marine creatures make their own shells.

I'm not convinced they eat shell. They use their radula for boring, crushing and scraping but that doesn't neccessarily mean they are digesting or internally processing foreign shell. The beautiful orange colour of their own inner shell and "pearl" most likely comes from the micro-algae they scrape off rocks and eat. Algae is very rich in all types of micro-pigments such as carotenoids and many others. Yes, the Crowned Welk eats this micro-algae.

I'm not convinced they eat shell.

Knowing what I know of the underwater world I'd say this is highly unlikely also - its definitely not how the pearl is formed, thats just not how it works.
It's like saying.....Do you only eat a potatoe, and not the skins.
I said " I Believe " it is possible for this to happen. Accidentally.
Charles, as a diver, you have observed this lovely and constantly hungry gastropod either boring, prying or rasping into shell to devour its prey, right? Okay! But can it be that what you are observing with your own eyes just "looks" like the welk is "eating" the shell? Maybe it is just discarding it? Or maybe it ingests it but just doesn't digest it---somewhat like cellulose for us. You have to understand that of all minerals in the sea, calcium carbonate is not lacking! Marine creatures literally drink it in!

The colouring of the welk's mantle and "pearl" are probably due to a combo of genetics and an organic pigment rich diet which is primarily fresh prey, some scavenging of rotting flesh and finally micro-algae.

Personally, I like to eat my citrus fruit without the peel and my nuts shelled.

It is a mystery, the way of gastropod. Who really knows? I'm inclined to think that if calcium carbonate from shell is really ingested, it works more like metamucil and not like a pearl maker.

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Thank You slraeP !
I appreciate your input. Since this is a questionable subject, i'm going to bring a live specimen home and put it in a complete plastic encasement to observe it's eating habits more closely. I will feed it a quahog to see if any particles are added to the water from the quahog.
The main diet of the Whelk here is the quahog.
Torture ? :confused:
I don't mean to be torturing anyone. Ok, your probably right on it, but, i've got a saltwater tank anyway, maybe i'll drop one in there anyway. They are really cool to watch, especially when feeding.


Knobbed Whelk or Crowned Whelk ( Picture Above ) is where my Pearl came from ( Carnivore ).


Queen Conch, This is where Most of the Conch Pearls from Florida & The Carribean come from. ( Vegetarian )

That carnivore Whelk wreaking havoc under the sea is making me hear the attack music from "Jaws"... Nah nah....nah na na na na!:eek:
PearlFinderCharles said:
Torture ? :confused:
I don't mean to be torturing anyone. Ok, your probably right on it, but, i've got a saltwater tank anyway, maybe i'll drop one in there anyway. They are really cool to watch, especially when feeding.

I'm just pulling your leg Charles. Like the Queen Conch, I too am a vegetarian. So you see how I would cringe at the thought of catching a wild whelk and confining him/her to a tank. A little sad.

Great diagrams you posted. I always thought gastropods had their eyespot set atop a tentacle. That must be for landsnails only. Here we have a "stalk" for marine snails. Learned something new.

GemGeek said:
That carnivore Whelk wreaking havoc under the sea is making me hear the attack music from "Jaws"... Nah nah....nah na na na na!:eek:

Great, yet another reason not to go surfing. That must be some giant footed scary radula weilding whelk alright.

Slraep said:
I'm just pulling your leg Charles. Like the Queen Conch, I too am a vegetarian.

Wow, I feel bad for you ! Your missing out on the Tastiest meat out there ! Conch or Whelk Salad, truly a delectible, tasty treat !

No problem. Just if you pull my leg to far, you may hurt me :D

Are you innovating in making jewelry with those pearls, or it there a recorded use in jewelry by the past, such as conch pearls which were popular in edwardian period ?

Then where is it found exactly on the east coast ?

thanks a lot
Thanks Charles,

You are very lucky to get this pearl

Did I understand right ?
You have found only one and simulated the setting on jewelry with photoshop
What is the size of the pearl, diameter ? perfectly round, off round ? cat's eye effect or chatoyancy on this one ? and so

Sorry if already stated, but I did not find the info
