Human Pearls !


New Member
Oct 10, 2007
Here's something to think about !

If a Conch Pearl is created in a kidney, then a Human Being also creates Pearls, as in GallStones,Kidneystones....Wouldn't that be also considered a Pearl ?...It also takes alot of time to create in the body.
Just something to think about is all... :p
I am not sure the logic would really works. Otherwise gonads would ... well, you know.

Conch pearls grow between the shell and the mantle, not in the kidney...
Goody! Seriously, human concretions are just about the most disgusting... :o How on Earth did you come by that idea! LOL!
PearlFinderCharles said:
lol....I knew somebody sold one !

Yes, of course you did!!

Charles, you remind me of someone. I can't pinpoint it yet but it'll come to me.

It's "BEAM ME UP SCOTTY", by the way.

It is sooooo worth it to be part of this forum! I am laughing so hard I can't see the computer screen----:D

so many pearls, so little time
Alright this is really wierd. Charles you picked up on my thoughts somehow across all this watery space. After that conch pearl thread I had resolved to start a kidney stone thread. Alas, I've been at work all day and you beat me to it. My hat comes off to you.
Slraep I also wanted to thank you for that delectable little bit of info.
Hey Pattye, My laughter kinda changed into an "eww". lol I can't believe someone bought a kidney stone, and William Shatner's at that!!

I mean, what am I missing being over here in Japan? What's happening to American culture. What's next? An Angelina Jolie nursing pad? Truly, a "WTF" moment. Thanks for the err...laugh.:D
pattye said:
It is sooooo worth it to be part of this forum! I am laughing so hard I can't see the computer screen----:D

so many pearls, so little time

Ain't that the truth!!!
Now you did it, Salem. Somebody is going to go through her trash next week. :eek:

It's not even 7am and you've already set me off again------:D

so many pearls, so little time
nlerner said:
I think we've deviated a bit from the topic of pearls. But perhaps some of our more deviant members might be interested in gemstones, particularly:

This is PERFECT! I've been looking and looking for some sort of unique gift to send to a "friend" I find supremely annoying. It subtly says "you are full of it". Yes, it's perfect!

" It's "BEAM ME UP SCOTTY", by the way.

I know it's just added the other :)
You all are just great, It's hard to find people who have laughter in their lives anymore...

God Bless you All !
Charles :)
PearlFinderCharles said:
" It's "BEAM ME UP SCOTTY", by the way.

I know it's just added the other :)
You all are just great, It's hard to find people who have laughter in their lives anymore...

God Bless you All !
Charles :)

Charles, forget about the conch pearl. I think you're the real gem.

Good luck with the sale!

It would be interesting to see the fossilized coprolites carved into egg-shapes or globes and polished... I wonder what kind of coloration might be observed in person? The site mentioned "Lovely Violets, Tans and Greens..." in their descriptions :rolleyes:

I find it also rather odd that coprolites are going for so cheap... I guess paleontologists must have enough to last several lifetimes! ;)