Vintage Akoya?

Thanks, BAS! It was the best news in a weekend filled with emotional turmoil as I'm home visiting my mom and sis and we're trying to work miscommunications out with family. But I had mom with me and she was happy that I did well even if jewelry isn't her thing lol.
Thanks, BAS! It was the best news in a weekend filled with emotional turmoil as I'm home visiting my mom and sis and we're trying to work miscommunications out with family. But I had mom with me and she was happy that I did well even if jewelry isn't her thing lol.

Wearing beautiful pearls can only help with family matters. It can only help with ALL matters! Best of luck.

My son and daughter returned from college for the summer. We're working out our stuff, too...
Wow, I didn't know Majorica imitation strands came with safety chains. That's just another way they tried to look "real" I guess.
I'm sorry to hear about the unpleasant stuff : ( I'm sending you hugs as well.

Very excited about the good news re to your pearls! What a treasure! You have a very good eye to have found these on ebay. Its a gorgeous clasp and so are the pearls.
I hope taking the high road brings me lotus status someday, Jersey, cause it feels a lot like mud wading ;)

Thanks, BN! I really enjoy the hunt especially when the risk is high!
Kat, no truer words!

Sis thanks everyone for the congrats! She's very excited to be done with school ;) she's not into pearls so she's getting a pair of emerald love knot earrings (her birthstone).
That's a beautiful necklace with a beautiful clasp! Congrats on your score!

And sorry to hear of tricky family matters. I hope things get better soon. In the meantime, celebrate your sister's graduation and enjoy your new jewelry.
Pearls went out for a spin yesterday, graduation day!
Wow, I didn't know Majorica imitation strands came with safety chains. That's just another way they tried to look "real" I guess.

Considering how much they cost, I think the purpose is to prevent the necklace from being lost! Looking more nearly real is merely a side benefit.