Sorting/blending pearls for long convertible rope (mini version of Purrhana's)

I have no advice on the tassels since I haven't made any myself, but wanted to comment that your strand looks great! I love these long strands- they are so versatile and can go from formal to casual so easily. I'm sure you're going to get a lot of use from your strand!
Thanks, amti! I'm quite pleased with how this came out. I'm all about versatile pieces right now!
JerseyPearl -- the pearls were sold as 7.5-8.5mm, though I'd say the range is actually a bit larger than that - some are quite small, and some are quite plump. I don't have a good ruler for measuring pearls (nor will they cooperate very well at staying still!).

The tassels are here, but I'm still not sure how to put them together. I've also got lots of are some photos.

The whole array of choices, shown with the lavender strand. Lighting is overhead LEDs. From left to right, small purple, small burgundy, large lilac, small lavender, large grey. All but the lavender are silk -- the lavender is synthetic and the strands are much thicker. it has a knotted band at the "neck" of the tassel.

I rigged the tassels the best I could with the strand, and also photographed them with a few options for "topper" beads. I didn't have a lot of time to stage these so please excuse all the odd lumps and the lighting. I also somehow didn't take a photo with the large lilac tassel, though I think I liked that color the least with the pearls (though I may wear it on a long sterling chain!)
Lavender synthetic tassel
With chunky amethyst
With large AB oval crystal
With small AB oval crystal
12 мм
With the one lavender pearl I set aside from the strands for this rope
11-12 mm  Tahitian green and 925 silver
With a drop-shaped greyish freshwater pearl
Doubled rope with large grey tassel

With large quartz or large oval AB crystal


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It's looking good!
I actually really like the idea of changing the tassles depending on your outfit/mood/season.
Thanks -- not all my photos were loading. I'll try again later.
I like the idea of being able to have one large tassel for the doubled rope and also having it with a small tassel on each end as more of a "scarf" situation.
I still need to figure out how to wire wrap the tassels...:confused:
thanks :) I didn't plan on using them looped through -- that was really just to test out the colors for now. I'd like to set them up as more permanent charms with a jump ring and/or clasp at the top. i just need to figure out how.
enbcfsobe sorry for the late post - I just saw this!

So the way I attached the tassel is that I use soft flex to loop through the ends of the pearl rope (I can't see that well from your photos how you have strung the ends of the pearl - did you use french wire and leave a little loop?

So here is how I loop the tassel - first, leaving the string loop still in the "head" of the tassel, loop your soft flex through it along side the string loop. Then, cut the string loop, and gently pull it out. Manufacturers hide the "knot" inside the "head" of the tassel, so when you pull, be a bit careful to "wiggle" it out. And when you wiggle the string loop out, your soft flex should already be in place.

Then what I do next is I pull the soft flex together, crimp it to secure the ends, cut off the extra, and "tuck" the crimp into the head of the tassel. Does that make sense? I know it sounds terribly jumboed, and if you want, I can take some step-by-step pictures of how I do it sometimes this weekend.

Let me know!
Thanks, Purranha! That makes a lot of sense! I think I can adapt that to what I'm trying to do, which is to make the tassels into removable "charms" for lack of a better word. I was thinking I would use metal wire and wire-wrap it at the top, but maybe the soft-flex would work better and be less obvious. Though if I use the soft-flex and want to attach it to a jump ring, maybe I would use french wire on the loop at the top where the jump ring will connect (above any bead I added on, if that makes sense).

I did use french wire but I put jump rings through the loops (they aren't soldered, so I can remove them). One problem is that I think the pieces I used were too short and the loops were too small, because the french wire has "split" along the loops. The jump rings are pretty substantial (18g) so I may have underestimated how large the loops needed to be to stay stable. I don't have the energy right now to re-string the whole thing but I will do so eventually (I wanted to add a third strand anyhow). I still am getting used to using the french wire so it is all an experiment.
I think you can try using this type of "ends" for your rope: ring&ref=sr_gallery_8
They look like jump rings and are pretty inconspicuous (especially compared to larger clasp) if you can find small ones.

You can hook each end to a tassel connected to an o-ring (with or without beads/jewels/pearls on top) pretty easily.
And if you want 1 singular tassel, the 2 jump rings can just connect to the same tassel o-ring.

That will give you the "removable-charm" flexibility, no?
And there are precious few restaurants that will let you eat naked these days… sigh

Ladies, I'm sharing some step-by-step tassel making photos here for your reference.

First, I gently tug the knot out of the "head" of the tassel. I tug the thread up and down the head to create a bit of space to thread the soft flex in. One tip is that if it is a bit difficult and there isn't much space in between, I stick a round plier through to create a bit of a hole.

Then I loop the soft flex through, then cut the thread and pull it out.

This time, I'm using a cloisonne type of bead since it has some nice navy color that match the color of the tassel.
Then I loop it through a spring clasp so make the tassel an interchangeable charm.
Then I pull everything tight, and use crimping bead to secure the end. I usually use 2 for added security.
Then nip off the excess soft flex.

Then I tuck the crimping beads into the head of the tassel.

VOILA! Interchangeable tassel charm. Took 3 mins! :o