Show us your tin cup pearls


New Member
Apr 14, 2015
I would post a photo, but I don't own tin cup pearls (yet) ;) So I am eagerly awaiting your eye candy.
From Pearl Paradise:

From Kamoka:
My tin cup from the last PP Black Friday sale. Baroque Tahitians 9-10mm and 10-11mm. I wear it a lot.


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Here's a fun & edgy Tahitian tin cup I made with my own blackened sterling rolo chain for a private client. Sorry, the bust is too small and wanted to show all the pearls, so the necklace is hanging much longer than it would when worn. (Kamoka pearls purchased long before Kamoka headquarters moved here to Portland.

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Rebecka, I laughed when I saw your post because I had commented in the past to my pearl sister, baby nurse, that I don't like tin cups. I now own several, and love them! All from PP:

PP souffle and baroque blue akoya tin cup long.jpg


neck shot 4-16-15.jpg

neck shot.jpg

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I have 2 one inexpensive keshi tin cup I made and my beautiful scattered tin cup created by Hisano

Scattered. Glamor and neck shot


scattered tin cup.jpg

keshi tin cup

I do hope in the future to have a nice long one with Baroque Blue akoyas and baroque tahitians. All in good time!
Great idea for a thread!

My two tin cups are fraternal twins of BAS's, since they were projects that were created around the same time : )



PP long tin cup.jpg
Awww, baby nurse, I love seeing my pearl sister's "twin" tin cups. They are so beautiful on you!!! Rebecka -- please note that the souffle in her shorter tin cup looks very much like a fireball pearl, even though it's a souffle.
newberry -- that baroque white akoya with freshwater drop is to die for! I adore it! Wear it in good health and happiness!!!
A white ss and a golden ss with a cream dropIMG_0286.jpg
A fun trioIMG_0330.jpg
Then combined with friendsIMG_0326.jpg
JerseyPearl, your Kamoka tin cup is beautiful!

TUCS, I understand that you wear it a lot, I would too! Do you tend to wear your tin cups more often than a full strand pearl necklace?

Pattye, it's a great look with the blackened sterling rolo chain. I'm so impressed that you've made it yourself. Is it difficult to learn how to make your own tin cup? (I've never made any type of jewellery before, but I like doing things with my hands like sugarart, cards, revamping old furntiture etc)

BAS, what made you change? I love that you and baby nurse have twin tin cups, how brilliant is that! :)
What makes a fireball pearl, a fireball pearl? (Thanks for pointing it out, I am learning so much from all of you and I am thoroughly enjoying myself).

Baby nurse, which of your tin cups do you tend to wear more? I love the long tin cup against that blue sweater, it really makes the pearls come out!

ckrickett, I love your scattered tin cup. Did you come up with the idea and make a special order with Hisano, or did Hisano come up with the idea? What pearls are in it?
I'm so impressed with you ladies for the jewellery you are making yourselves!

Newberry, I love the different coloured metallics one, what an eyecatcher! I really like how you doubled the tahitian tin cup, that's very pretty. What length is the tahitian tin cup? Your baroque akoya is stunning! In your combined tin cup necklace, what type of stone is that?Your tin cups are quite different from one another, which one do you tend to wear more often?
Rebecka, I wear my tin cup more than any other strand (except for the white ripples, for the same reason) because it is a more informal look than a full strand, and my outfit is often jeans and a nice top. I have a strand of white metallics I don't wear often because they look more conventional and I feel I have to dress up a little for those. With the multicolours, the baroque Tahitians and the blue baroque akoyas it's something in between.
So if you tend to dress casually a tin cup is something very wearable, especially if its multicolour.
Of course this is also my personal preference; some people wear white rounds and jean shorts; it really depends on your own style.
I love seeing everyone's tin cups and will try and put my tin cup pictures together this weekend!
Rebecka thanks. :D

I had a general idea for what I wanted, but it is truly Hisano's talented eye and work that made it great. She choose the pearls which are varying shapes colors and MM of freshwater metallics, and after she helped me decide spacing and numbers she placed them. It is one of my favorite pieces to wear. I just adore it. It would never have looked so pretty if she hadn't made it.
TUCS, I also find tin cups more informal (still elegant though). I think my first pearl necklace (that I buy for myself) will be a tin cup, and my second one will be a metallic or freshadama strand (or maybe a metallic freshadama strand if I could afford it). I tend to dress casually on a day to day basis, but I do like to dress up when the opportunity presents itself :)

pkinnew, oooh please do! Fingers crossed that the time fairy is with you this weekend!