JerseyPearl, your Kamoka tin cup is beautiful!
TUCS, I understand that you wear it a lot, I would too! Do you tend to wear your tin cups more often than a full strand pearl necklace?
Pattye, it's a great look with the blackened sterling rolo chain. I'm so impressed that you've made it yourself. Is it difficult to learn how to make your own tin cup? (I've never made any type of jewellery before, but I like doing things with my hands like sugarart, cards, revamping old furntiture etc)
BAS, what made you change? I love that you and baby nurse have twin tin cups, how brilliant is that!

What makes a fireball pearl, a fireball pearl? (Thanks for pointing it out, I am learning so much from all of you and I am thoroughly enjoying myself).
Baby nurse, which of your tin cups do you tend to wear more? I love the long tin cup against that blue sweater, it really makes the pearls come out!
ckrickett, I love your scattered tin cup. Did you come up with the idea and make a special order with Hisano, or did Hisano come up with the idea? What pearls are in it?
I'm so impressed with you ladies for the jewellery you are making yourselves!
Newberry, I love the different coloured metallics one, what an eyecatcher! I really like how you doubled the tahitian tin cup, that's very pretty. What length is the tahitian tin cup? Your baroque akoya is stunning! In your combined tin cup necklace, what type of stone is that?Your tin cups are quite different from one another, which one do you tend to wear more often?