Help me choose an Edison pearl ring, please.

Sea Urchin

Feb 7, 2012
I decided to go to Paradise today. Hope I'm not overloading y'all with my requests for assistance! He said he'll try to post more choices later. I want the PP 3mm yellow gold ring, and I guess these are the 14-15mm pearls (I just asked and am waiting to hear). I would like a round pearl or close to it anyway. So, I'll post more pics if I get them. What do you think of these two? Thanks. :)

Edison choices 1.jpg

Edison choices 2.jpg
The larger on on the left looks rounder but the greenish overtones on the right one look more exotic!

(Obviously I have time to kill today :p)
Well I'm glad you do because I really have a hard time telling what's what from photos. Thanks.
left pearl looks much rounder.

eta- but I also prefer the pearl on the right, although it isn't round
#4 was the rounder one on the left in your first photo, right? That is also very nice. It's pinker. You mentioned on your other thread that you wear pinks and blues.

#1 is the one on the right in the first photo, correct? It will face-up larger (look larger when you look down on your hand), and won't protrude as much since it is a little flatter, judging from the first photo. It isn't way-off-round, though, and has interesting colors.

#4 is larger in total size, rounder and pinker.
#1 looks larger when you look down at your hand but protrudes less and is less round.

# 4 is more standard (while still being an amazing gorgeous pearl!) in that it is round and a more uniform color.
# 1 is more unusual-- interesting shape and color overtones.

• Do your rings tend to spin? A pearl that protrudes more may spin more. (But I suppose it couldn't spin far in any case, with such a huge pearl.)
• How large is your hand? A pearl that faces up larger may look too large for a petite hand. (But again, both pearls are large so if you can wear one, you can wear the other.)
• Are you looking to wear a conversation piece? Which one would do that for you?
• #3, the lavender one, would go great with the cooler lavender FWP, if those are what you buy. And #4 the pinker one would go well with the warmer lavender FWP, if you buy those. Not that matching a ring with strands matters.

Sorry but to me #2 is boring.
I think you may be leaning toward #4. If so, go for it! It's a great pearl and you can't lose.

Edit: I just read your post about choosing the warmer lavender pearls. Then #4 would go very well with them.

But you know, really just pick what you like! You're the one wearing it!
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Oh my. Large is good for me, I have large hands. I don't mind spinning, I'd probably just find something to stick inside to stop it. Yeah, I guess #1 is the pearl on the right from the first pic, and #4 is the one on the left. I like the orange in #1 but it does look like kind of a "strange" shape when it's on the ring. Hmm...
Or, order both and keep the one that looks better on your hand! They're already set, so they would be returnable, right? (check to be sure, though.) Or would you have to have the ring sized? Then not returnable. But you could have it sized later once you know the one you want....
Ah, just noticed these are 12-13 mm. I thought they were the 14-15 mm listed with this setting on the site. :( Waiting to see if there are any larger ones, even if they are button-shaped...
Walks on the wild side are fun, but brief. Which pearl does your eye drift back to most frequently?
I don't think they're already set. Could it be a demo setting? You know, cup without post? 'Course, I don't know.