18 ways to wear a 100-inch rope


Mar 24, 2014
I picked up this 100-inch AAA freshwater 5.5-6mm rope from the PP summer sale! I had wanted my own rope since I bought one for my fiancee, and was eyeing an AAA rope for myself.... I was shocked to see this one in the sale at an AMAZING price. I had to snap it up. It arrived today, I started taking photos and ended up modeling quite a few different ways to wear it... the options are limitless so I only stopped when the sun came down and I lost my light. Here's what I did get:
Different ways to wear a 100-inch rope of pearls

1. 2 uneven loops
2. 3 uneven loops
3. 4 even loops
4. 4 loop torsade
5. 4 loops, casual twist
6. 6 messy loops
More ways to wear 100 inches of pearls

7. 6 loops, slight twist
8. tight braid
9. nautical braid
10. 6 uneven loops
11. 8 loop choker
12. 8 loop torsade
Ways to wear a 100-inch pearl rope

13. 2 even loops
14. 2 loop twist
15. 2 loop twist, doubled, uneven
16. 2 loop twist, doubled, even
17. 2 loop twist, tripled
18. 4 uneven loops

Attached are some extra photos of the braided styles where I tried to capture the pearls' luster, as well as a photo of how most of the braids and torsades are tied at the back with a ribbon. Sorry about the "lap shots", I just thought they looked nice on my jeans...



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Absolutely gorgeous! #9 blows me away. Can you explain how to make the "nautical braid"?

Worn twisted and braided, do you find the rope to be heavy, or "chokey"?

Your rope is spectacular on you and now you and your fianc?e can enjoy and share each other's pieces!
You should win a prize for maxing out your creativity! It's fabulous and looks terrific on you in all its guises. :)
Very impressive! I would love to see you may make a youtube video to demonstrate some of these, especially #9! Very nice!!!
As already mentioned in the OP's thread in another board, good choice and I like the way it can be worn in so many different ways! Thanks for sharing.

DK :)
The developers of this platform should add "a thumbs up" feature. Because I "like" "like" "like" every way you wore those pearls.
Thank you so much everyone! I will look into taking some tutorial photos of the braided and twisted styles. They are both basic braids (like braiding hair), with a slight difference in how I do them for the tight braid or the "nautical" braid.

Almost all the styles are fastened with a ribbon in the back except the really long ones. It is so hard to work with the rope if it is just looped around your neck and you are feeding the slack through the loops trying to get them just how you want it. I CAN get it around my head 6 times just looping it but it's a nightmare the get the loops looking nice. Much easier to arrange it how you want and secure the ends with ribbons- of course then you are limited to even numbers of loops. If you have a clasp in your rope you don't have this limitation because you can tie the clasp ends right into the ribbons. Plus, I didn't demo this here but you can put the bow in the front as part of the look. I also love the idea of fastening with a brooch as well but don't want to scratch the pearls- I thought maybe I could make some kind of elastic fastener that I could then clip the brooch onto without the metal touching the pearls.

Worn twisted and braided, do you find the rope to be heavy, or "chokey"?!
This rope is not heavy at all since the pearls are only 5.5-6mm. Anything will be chokey for me if I wear it tight up on the front of my neck, but I'll deal with it if I like the look. Otherwise, I'll wear it looser. This is another nice thing about fastening with a ribbon, you can use the ribbon to extend the length in the back so it's never tighter than you want. The 8-loop style of this rope doesn't actually go all the way around my neck, but with the ribbon I can add a few inches in the back.

If you loop it several times and the long loop is heavy and starts to pull, the short loop can pull up against your neck and start to feel like it's choking you- this is ANOTHER reason to fasten with a ribbon or clip if possible, you can attach the ribbons just where you want them and they won't slip. I'll post some pictures later of what I mean.
Terrific post with lots of ideas I have never thought of. I would give it at least 2 thumbs up :)
very cool! I love the twisted look with ribbon, so creative.

Nicely done!!
Very creative indeed! Thanks for sharing these ideas , I especially love 15, 16 and 8 & 9!
Stunning looks, and so very creative; THANKS for sharing!
wow. this is awesome. thanks for giving me some inspiration to use my own 100 inch rope.