inherited some antique pearls with real diamond in clasp (pics)

Jarrod 2013

New Member
Feb 18, 2013
Any help on the value of these pearls or type .I tested the diamond in the clasp at the jewelers but I dont want to pay 135 to appraise it since I really dont plan on selling it.. also the clasp that has a diamond has six tiny diamonds around it im not sure if those are diamond too but most likely they are. More pictures as soon as I master how to attach photos on this forum. Thanks:)


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That photo is a bit blurry.

We need pictures of the strand laid out on a dull white background. How about photos of both sides of the clasp and a close up of part of the strand?

Do you have any information about the age or where they came from?
thanks ,, ill be postimg new pictures in a couple minutes. i also habe a bracelet but they are a bit diffrent
vvvv.jpgSDC11195 副本0219131911.jpg they were my grandmothers that lived in virginia i didnt get to talk to her before she died about them but she was 87 so im guessing these are atleast 50 years old maybe older . my family was pretty well off in those days.
Thank you! That clasp looks older then 50 years. More like 75-80. when did your grandmother die? That bottom left hand photo -can you crop the edges and try to get it bigger? It looks like a top quality whatever it is, if it isn't faux, paste, etc., which I don't think it is. A better look at the pearls will help. My first, wild guess, if real, is 1930's-40's akoya with a fancy clasp. Don't bank on that, others may differ. What marks are on the clasp? A photo of the back or the tongue?
My guess was the same as Caitlin's. I thought 1930's and cultured Akoyas. The metal the clasp is made from would kind of help date the period.
well here are some more pictures. Also there are no marks at all on the clasp . another question ,, if the main diamond that was machine tested is real .. shouldnt the smaller ones surrounding it be authentic also?0219132034b.jpg0219132035.jpgmmm.jpgcvcvcv.jpg
Yes please, are there any markings on the back or sides of either pieces of the clasp? Did anyone tell you anything about the center diamond, the photo is too fuzzy for me to tell but it may be a rose cut diamond, which would help to date the necklace and also is a quite desireable diamond cut very prevalent in the early 1900's and before. Maybe a few more good closeup photos? Beautiful necklace regardless and am glad you are going to keep it and wear it!

Daddys Little Pearl
no markings what-so ever anywhere. sorry if i double post some pictures but the delayed posting is kind of annoying and im not sure if some post are getting thru,, Also i would wear it but pearls on guys are not the trend these days :D .im planning to either give it to my future wife or daughter if i have one..:) hope these pictures help.. my camera phone is not the greatest .. thanks again mmm.jpg0219132032b.jpg0219132034b.jpg0219132035.jpg Also no information on the diamond but i do know its diamond and i can kind of tell the clasp is pretty old .. im guessing its silver and its tarnished a tad.
sorry , i know the quality is bad im going to borrow a camera tommorow maybe that can give details on the diamond,, any one can elaborate what a rosecut diamond would look like? goodnight guys thanks again for the knowledge
Nice necklace Jarrod. The pearls are baroque akoya and the clasp is 'Art-Deco' style, an influential visual arts design style which first appeared in France during the 1920s, flourished internationally during the 30s and 40s, then waned in the post-World War II era.

Lucky future wife or daughter!
My guess is that it's Art Deco, 1930's and probably platinum, the pearls are off round and that all fits for the 1930's. It is not often that you see real diamonds set in silver in the Deco era, silver was usually used for costume jewellery with paste stones. It could be Deco revival from the 1950's, but I think that your pearls would be rounder and the clasp would more likely be hallmarked if it was from the latter period.
Any idea on a estimated value? i know its all about the market for these kind of things .. even though its priceless to me i still would like to know the value instead of paying 135 appraisal fee :0 :)
Assuming those are diamonds and platinum clasp with the pearls, value would be upwards of $1000, but without knowing the specs on the diamonds difficult to say. Here is a similar piece on ebay, hard to say what it will actually sell for.

Retail replacement value for insurance purposes and what you could sell it for vary greatly.
i was thinking about 1000 also.. but i also feel like this is a rare and nice clasp so i should get it appraised one day
yea i was going to ask if these rectangular stone was even diamond ,,, i didnt know a diamond can be cut like that so i assumed it was a cheaper crystal.. i learn new stuff everyday :) yea they are 5 tiny diamonds on eachside and two im guessing is baguette diamonds.. (are these old type of cut or something?) .. ive been trying to guess the carat amount but that is probably im guessing the middle one is like .2 but i could be way off. i also have that bracelet id like to know more about .. but i know it only has a clasp that says 14 k