Tucson 2013

I wish that every pearl lover could see Matryoshka in person. It is the most intensely-colored pearl I've ever seen, even from a distance, and shows different colors depending on how you look at it. Impossible to capture in a photo (though the "glamour shots" are very nice! :) ).
So wonderful to meet you. The photo of your Matryoshka is so beautiful! But, I truly loved seeing you wear it. That is the best presentation. It wins my award for Best of Show!
Blaire, thank you for the photos - amazing design work! Hisano, I LOVE your Matryoshka - maybe a little H booth at Tuscon next year??
I guess I could use a tiny booth space... just enough for Jeremy to fit:)

Thank you everyone! This 2 year project was really fun to make.
Some snapshots:
Hisano and Enrique
Sea of Cortez Pearls
more SoC pearls Mabes
We saw a lot of beautiful pearls! It was a great walk. I think we should always start on GJX in the future instead of wearing ourselves out over at AGTA to start.

Sea Hunt Pearls is Jack Lynch. Wes Rankin's company is Pacific Coast Pearls.
Caitlin, thanks for posting your photos, fabulous pearls, one photo looked like an Abalone convention! I am so envious, nothing good like this ever happens in Nashville!

Daddys Little Pearl (repeating to herself Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neighbors Pearls) mantra does not work, coveting them anyway. LOL
Sarah gifted me and I was so surprised, I got beffuddled and didn't do her booth. Yes. I like GJX the best, tho AGTA is fascinating
Thank you Caitlin for the wonderful tour of Tucson! Those South Sea trays are........ words fail :)
I have some others, but can't find them. As you see I did finally get the photos into a place where I could upload them. Turned out to be very intuitive, once I gave up on the help topics LOL.
Trying to do Sarah justice, I captured a photo of her and me in her booth at Pacific Pearls. It's always a crowded booth with the glitterati of the pearl world stopping by.
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