Tucson 2013

Thanks for sharing the picture judimcc6. Nice to "meet" you Wild Onion. I recognize the pendant you got from Pure Pearls. You posted pictures here a few years ago in response to my Tahitian pearl shopping in Hawaii thread. Does anyone have more Tucson pictures?

We have more and I know Caitlin took a lot of photos, so more will be forthcoming!
I wish I'd had the foresight to bring my camera! Thank you for the kind words, Ramona, newberry and Pattye. I wore the pendant to a concert the other night and got compliments from colleagues. It is always fun to have jewelry with a story.
Galatea ring with a meteor pendant behind
K 197

Tahitian Nights necklace
K 285

My favorite Evelyn Huang moonstone ring
K 289

Black diamond ring
K 310

Think these were Medusa earrings from Katey Brunini
K 306
Fiji pearls ring

Paula Crevoshay pendant

Man o war ring

Betty Sue King metallic pearls (way better in person)

Blaire and Marianne. She's a dear friend from Malta who was on our pearl tour in 2007.
Missed this one. Darn glass makes it so hard to photograph!
I think this is another favorite from Evelyn with Eyris Blue Pearls.
Blaire wonderful photos!!!!! Thank you so much for posting them for us to drool over ;)
Matryoshka_1.jpgE PP
It was so much fun to meet you all!
Here's the full and close up view of the Matryoshka. I'm glad I made the "Father of Pearl" proud:)
I love the Matryoshka! A little doll within a doll, with the links echoing the shape. So clever!
Blaire, thank you for sharing the pictures of those beautiful designs.

Hisano, love the colors of the gemstones around the pearl as well as the chain.
Blaire, thank you for the photos - amazing design work! Hisano, I LOVE your Matryoshka - maybe a little H booth at Tuscon next year??