Looking for feedback


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
I dragged out my beading stuff to help pass the time as I recuperate and was hoping for some feedback from you wonderful folks. My very favorite bracelet is a mixed round and keshi Tahitian. I have a SS keshi bracelet I don't much care for as it is a bit short, so I decided to make a mate for the Tahitian one with mixed SS keshi and FW rounds. I am torn as to which route to take.

I have one made up with larger rounds and mostly silvery keshi which I think reflects the way the keshi in the Tahitian bracelet contrast a bit with the rounds. But I am not sure the pearls and especially keshi aren't too big, particularly toward the middle.

The other one is smaller rounds with more creamy keshi. (The sizes of the rounds on that one are a bit mixed up because as I was arranging the strands to take the picture, the knot in the beading wire came undone and spilled the pearls. I just strung them all back on in a rush since it is the colors I am wondering about - I'll try to do a better job arranging the pearls if I make it for real).

Any thoughts or suggestions? I can also put the smaller, creamy keshi with the larger rounds, I just didn't have enough of the large sized rounds to mock up both and the silvery keshi are way too big for the smaller rounds. (Oh, and my cell phone camera gave me a weird pink hue toward the edges so I cropped to the center part which has the more true colors)


I love the strand at the bottom because the keshi seem to hug the rounds. I think it makes a for lovely, integrated, intimate look.

Gee Boo, I hope you feel better fast!
Thanks! And I am improving but I admit it is nice to have the down time which is conducive to playing around with my pearls :D
:D:)and without guilt.:) Pure happiness. Well Mostly; No fun being under the weather, but you've managed to find an up side.
My favorite combo... keshi, round, keshi, round. All three are beautiful! Pearl Therapy is the best :)
Oh dear Boo,
Hope you feel better soon!!!

I am not going to be of any help here either. I too Like all three combinations you have done. Very pretty!!!!!
Love all three, love the bottom one even better :)

- Karin
I can't take credit for the original Tahitian strand - that one came from PP. But as I said, I absolutely adore it so I thought it could do with a partner, LOL. It looks like there is a slight preference for the bottom strand so I'll start there, but I may go ahead and make up both. I could be over the top and wear all 3 when I'm feeling exceptionally bold, I suppose. Thanks for everyone's input!!
I really like it, breaks up the round shapes nicely and makes your eyes want to check out each little keshi
30-9-11 233.JPG

iPhone picture of what I have on my neck now....
This is the only necklace that had unknown men comment on !! ( like saleclerk in a shoe store... :) And I passed the age to be hit on..

I like this combination in any type of pearls (SS or FW) it always looks good..
Keshi and round ones (or drops or baroques...)
View attachment 13244

iPhone picture of what I have on my neck now....
This is the only necklace that had unknown men comment on !! ( like saleclerk in a shoe store... :) And I passed the age to be hit on..

I like this combination in any type of pearls (SS or FW) it always looks good..
Keshi and round ones (or drops or baroques...)

horrible pictures, but it gives you an idea how I combined them. I did not go "one-one-one..003.jpg004.jpg002.jpg001.jpg

That is an absolutely stunning piece! Everyone's pieces are so lovely and innovative!

Inded it is gorgeous. I would call that pattern,


The extra part down the front is unique, and great designing. I realize it comes off the clasp but my keyboard imagination isn't that good. Please come back and show us more, soon! Your designs are so wonderful!
Boo, I too really like the "round, keshi" and something about the bottom strand looks really, REALLY nice. I've never seen them mixed like that before - it looks good!

Ivona - honey, if that is your neck in the photo then you are NOT past the age to get hit on! lol Love the Tahitian necklace too - sort of a Victorian "festoon" feel to it.

- Jodie -
Thank you Caitlin and Boo...

Boo's nice bracelet designs made me want to share again my projects.

We are all a very creative bunch of people and it's great that we can share our ideas and work on this forum.