Pearl Guide

Kojima Pearl Rocks the Pearl Guide Ruckus!

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Here is a teaser of more lovely Kojima pieces to come from the Pearl Guide 2015 Ruckus.

The Pearl Guide Ruckus is a fun event for forum members to get together and share their pearls and personalities. But more on that later. Right now, here are our Pearls of the Week brought to the Ruckus by Sarah and Mounir of Kojima Pearl Company.

To see more Kojima, visit the website or on Facebook.

Blaire Beavers
Managing Editor
Pearl Guide News

Cortez Pearl Dreams

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Once a year, if we are lucky, we get to see a full strand of round Sea of Cortez cultured pearls. If you have never seen Sea of Cortez pearls before, today is your lucky day!

From the Pteria sterna, better known as the Rainbow Lip Oyster, come the dazzlingly radiant and most colorful pearls in the world.

To visit the pearl farm is to know beauty and serenity.

Sea of Cortez pearls are available at:

Or you can go directly to the source:

Perlas del Mar de Cortez...

Daggers and Pearls with Alishan

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Alishan loves pearls. His distinctive style offers a wonderful textural contrast to their luster. This jewel says it all.

This Tahitian pearl dagger looks like it could have been wielded by a sorcerer.

But here it is, wielded by the master of jeweled mystery, Alishan Halebian.

More Alishan Pearls of the Week can be seen here and here.

Or on the website,

Blaire Beavers
Managing Editor
Pearl Guide News

Paula Crevoshay is on Fire!

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The Paula Crevoshay booth was a firestorm of activity at this year's Couture Show in Las Vegas, so I snapped a quickie showcase photo on the sly. Every time I passed by, they were swamped by a nonstop love-fest of adoring buyers.

Speaking of fire, here is my rough candid shot of her wondrous flaming pearl earrings.

But, not to let you down, here is the official glamour shot. Sweet, right?

Enjoy a feast of Paula Crevoshay jewels at

And you can see a Pearl Guide...

Tie One On with Utopia

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The jewels of Utopia never disappoint. A simple necklace at first glance -- then the details emerge. Diamonds sprinkled under a deco inspired "knot", and just the right amount of twist combine to make this a standout piece.

If you have ever tried to match pearls in one strand, you will know that to match seven strands across makes working a Rubik's cube look easy. This lovely necklace is too long to be appreciated in one photo, so the video follows below.

Necklace photographed at the...

little h Takes JCK by Storm!

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Hisano Shepherd's little h jewelry brand made a smashing debut at the Design Center of the JCK Las Vegas Show. If you have seen her work, you know that she is a stickler for the details. Every bit of her talent, taste and tenacity were evident in the sparkling displays.

Instead of looking like a newcomer, Hisano's presentation included placards for her jewelry "featured in JCK Magazine", receiving the MJSA Vision Award and the Cultured Pearl Association of America's Orient Award, and a...

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