Pearl Guide

CIBJO Jewlery Industry Voices Webinar

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CIBJO Webinar - Diversity & Design

The ‘Jewelry Industry Voices’ online seminar series looks at issues of interest in the jewelry business from the perspective of industry figures.

This event discusses how growing diversity is impacting jewelry design, and the steps the gem and jewelry industry needs to take to become more inclusive.

The list of panelists for this discussion are:

✦ Marvin Linares - Owner, Marvin Douglas Jewelry

✧ Constance Polamalu - Owner, Birthright Foundry


A review: The History of Pearls in the Gulf of California, Mexico Part 3

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It is at this particular crossroad that we find a Mexican-French Medical Doctor by the name of Gastón Vivès, attempting what very none had tried before: initiate a commercially viable, large-scale pearl oyster farm to produce shell and pearls. The Vivès family owned a pearl fishing armada in La Paz, Baja California Sur, and they were experiencing diminishing profits every year, thus wanting to revert this trend we find Gastón Vivès...

Cibjo webinar/discussion on origins of gemstones

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Although it is not about PEARLS (but it may include them), some of you may find it interesting, so here is the information:

The origin of a gemstone, namely the geographic location at which it was extracted from the earth, has for years posed substantial scientific challenges to the gemmologists who are called on to make definitive judgements.

The current focus on supply chain integrity and traceability means that the concept of origin has expanded and is more relevant than ever before... Presents: Walk and Talk with Josh Humbert!

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  • 2 invited forum member & sustainable pearl farmer Josh Humbert of Kamoka Pearls fame to a "Walk and Talk" Zoom event this past Saturday 10th, 2021.

Josh -and wife Celeste Brash- took some time from his busy schedule with the pearl seeding season at his farm in Ahe, French Polynesia, to share information about their 2021 pearl harvest (48% rounds, wow!), his farming operation, pearl characteristics of this year's harvest and much more!

Feel free to watch the video:

A review: The History of Pearls in the Gulf of California, Mexico PART 2

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The arrival of the Iberian Conquerors

The Native Nations had no real interest in establishing a commercial venture in pearl fishing and we understand little to nothing of the way they fished for pearls, since most of the information was either lost or destroyed during the conquest of Mexico. The rich plunder of the Conquistadores was sent to Spain and later dispersed all over Europe. The most significant information we have on the subject comes from the period of colonization of...

New Bi-Monthly Column: The Sustainability Corner

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Hello dear Forum Members:

With spring comes renewed energies and pulses, the recent system upgrade also allows me to start adding up content that we believe is necessary to keep the forum growing and renewed, making it the #1 Source for Pearl information on the World-Wide-Web for years to come.

I had this idea of a column years ago, when I still published "The Sea of Cortez Peal Blog", which went "black" after a massive Russian hacker attack (the importance of updating your...

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