Pearl Education

Glossary of Pearl Terms G

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Gajamukta: So-called pearl said to come from the heads or tusk sockets of elephants; also called elephant pearl.

Gajamuthu: Same as gajamukta and elephant pearl.

Ganglia or ganglions, plural, ganglion, singular: Groups of nerve cells that constitute the primitive nervous system of a bivalve mollusk.

Gastropod: Univalve mollusk, including land and sea snails, with a head and eyes and a...

Glossary of Pearl Terms H

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H-grade pearl: Letter grade assigned to a high-grade pearl by Japan's Pearl Inspection Office from 1952 to 1999.

Half-drilled pearl: Pearl drilled to 2/3 or 3/4 of its diameter for setting in pearl jewelry.

Half-light pearl: One of four Saxony quality factors used to describe natural German river pearls. See also: light pearl (highest quality), and sand and rotten pearl (lowest...

Glossary of Pearl Terms I

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I-pearls: Imitation pearls from Izumi, Japan.

Icon pearl: Cultured blister pearl produced in the shape of an iconic object (usually a commercial image or even a trademark logo) by using a nucleus of that shape.

IGI grading system: Cultured pearl grading system developed by the International Gemological Institute in New York in 1993. The system uses twenty-two reference strands to grade...

Glossary of Pearl Terms K

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Karasu-gai: Japanese term for the Cristaria plicata (cockscomb) freshwater pearl mussel.

Kago: Japanese term for pearl mollusk baskets suspended from longline systems.

Kan: Historical Japanese weight unit used to valuate pearls. One kan equals 1,000 momme (see), 3.75 kilograms and 8.26 pounds.

Kangaroo basket: Culture basket in which pearl oysters are stored for a brief period after the...

Glossary of Pearl Terms B

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Baby pearl: Also known as an "indicator pearl". A South Sea pearl from Indonesia grown for a brief period to produce a pearl sac. The nacre is typically very thin and the quality low.

Baroque: A pearl shape; stands for an irregular and asymmetrical shape.

Basra pearl: Named after the town of Basra in Iraq. Name given by Indian dealers to freshly harvested natural pearls from this area...

Glossary of Pearl Terms A

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Abalone: A group of ancient marine gastropods (snails) that have a unique, flattened shell with small holes (gonopores), that inhabit many of the world's temperate waters. Their shells display beautiful and iridescent mother of pearl shell. The family is Haliotidae and the genus is Haliotis.

Abalone blister pearl: Nacreous natural half-pearl formed on the inside of an abalone shell...

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