
Archaeologists Find the Persian Gulf’s First Known Pearling Town

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In the News this week:

Located 30 miles north of Dubai, the settlement dates to the sixth century C.E.

An excerpt here:

archaeologists have discovered the Persian Gulf’s first known year-round pearling settlement in the Umm Al Quwain emirate, around 30 miles northeast of Dubai. Villages like this one were mentioned in ancient literature, but their existence had never been confirmed by archaeological evidence.

The whole article can be read HERE.

Archaeologists are talking about an...

Pearl Farming in Pakistan

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Pakistan is not usually known for pearls, even when this country is found between two very rich and well-known salt-water pearl pearl producing areas: the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Manaar (India) and also with their freshwater resources.

(Pakistan in Orange)
But since before the COVID-19 pandemic they had started thinking about starting a pilot research program, but then the pandemic happened...things got halted. Seems some entrepreneurs are starting to move forward:


Pearl Farming Pivoting in Fijii!

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Very interesting article on how pearl farmers are coping in a world where the demand for luxury goods is lessening.

Click here to READ IT.

One of the points that are considered in this article is:

Programs, such as the oyster and pearl farming project, were impacted because of declining sales of products. "Round pearls are luxury items and people are not in the mood to be thinking about luxury during COVID and sales really plummeted”.

Pearl Farming in Ecuador has Begun!

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Our friend César Lodeiros in Ecuador just sent me this information about PEARL FARMING in Ecuador...the story continues!

"Today was a great day for the UTM (Technical University of Manabí)... it is a step towards excellence!
I want to thank and recognize the will of ALL the INBICUM group, including the students who participated, but especially Luis Treviño and his engineering skills for the great will to carry out the construction and commissioning of the floating cultivation platform...

Thailand South Sea Pearl Farming

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Just found this article in what I would call an "obscure" e-Magazine called "Hatchery International" that caters to specialists in aquaculture and fish/crustacean/mollusk hatcheries.

The article includes nice photos and interesting information that many will appreciate. The farm under scrutiny is called "Phuket Pearl Farm" (they even have a Tour if interested). This company's website is...well, full of typos and weird wording (guessing it was translated from Thai, and not very successfully)...

The Sustainability Corner 4

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I our last two articles we have explored the fantastic inner world of pearl oysters, and how they become not only a mother-of-pearl but also a protective womb for some rare and delicate species of crabs, shrimps and fishes. On this occasion we are going to explore how pearl beds are also responsible for protecting and harboring Life in the ocean.

When examining a live pearl oyster, you will notice it sometimes looks like an ocean rock: it’s covered with algae, tube worms, sponges, other...

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