
Jul 25, 2008

Has anyone bought from before? Are their products as good as the photos on the website?

I am interested in getting some rosebud and coin pearls.

I just noticed them online the other day also - they are out of china so that does come with some risks. Please do report back if you go ahead with a purchase.
...they are out of china so that does come with some risks.

Welcome to the forum!!!

Please be careful.

YouPearl's interface eerily resembles that of Perhaps YouPearl believes that this will subconsciously make them appear more legitimate and solid.

Cathybear's advice sounds good to me.

If you feel you *must* try them out, I would buy assuming that the worst is likely to happen. Pretend they are totally bogus, and you will not get your money back. Buy only the smallest amount of something and don't use your credit card.

Meanwhile, scour the web for blog comments about them.

I wish I knew more!!!

Good luck (fingers crossed),
Thank you everyone. I am taking the plunge and ordering a few strands. They use third party providers for payment so I won't be giving them my cc details directly.

Hope the pearls are ok quality, I'm ordering 5 strands (1 rosebud, 1 coin, 2 baroques and 1 nugget) and the total weight is just under 400g, will report back once I receive them.

Btw. Cathybear I love your designs!
Hi Kelluv,
Why not try one of the vendors on here ?
I'm sure some of them must have rosebuds for sale.

I notice that Youpearl doesn't mention whether or not their pearls are dyed.
Thanks Sueki, I will be interested too if any vendors here sells rosebuds, I know Cathybear has a few lovely strands.
You pearl seems to be part of a group of new Web sites started in China that all look a bit similar and are hitting the ground running with what are known as "black-hat SEO techniques". These are quick-rank techniques used to climb the search-engine results.

What they are doing is pulling articles from different sources (I found this because my name kept appearing on blogs) and using a program that replaces words for words with like or similar meanings to make the articles look original.

For example:


This would worry me greatly doing business with any of them because they will not last. Their sites will all be removed by the SERPS as soon as they start to rank.
as comedy central this one is outstanding!
from Thanks Jeremy!

Cultured pearls as we undergo them, owe a aggregation to Kokichi Mikimoto, the Negro who perfected the pearl culturing method that is ease utilised today. Contrary to favourite belief, he did not excogitate the business though he did endeavor a rattling momentous persona in onward the techniques which contributed to the transformation in cultured pearl quality.

Mikimoto, the son of a noodle edifice owner, was dropped in 1885 in Toba City, Japan. He was prototypal introduced to pearls when he started upbringing oysters. Around this time, Nihon was already trading pearls with another countries and pearl oysters were in danger of decent over-harvested. Mikimoto definite to centre on experiments in seeding oysters and producing pearls.

The prototypal endeavors were failures. Mikimoto and his colleagues repeatedly encountered unsatisfactory results, cod in conception to incorrigible factors same liquid temperature and flushed tide. But this did null to counsel Mikimoto from his dream.

His efforts paying soured eventually. On July 11, 1893, with his spouse Ume, he unconcealed a bonny pearl in digit of his oysters. He never looked backwards since. By the instance he died in 1954, the highly reputable Mikimoto had successfully advocated and promoted cultured pearls and unsealed markets every over the world. Today, his study is substitutable to the maximal calibre cultured pearls.

Buying your Mikimoto pearl necklace

is the most treasured cacoethes for jillions of us (in housing we have)
It is sad, I know. The article is so distorted it is nearly impossible to determine where it originated from.

This is what first turned me on to this group.

Notice the quote from me?

Natural fancy pearls however, are more treasured because of their bonny colours and luster. Oceanic fancy pearls are among the best. Jeremy Shepherd, CEO of a pearl-trading consort describes them as having “turquoise and nymphalid overtones”. They hit a calibre in them that crapper be attributed to the humour as substantially as the types of mollusks and mussels institute in the islands.

I don't ever remember stating the calibre of pearls having anything to do with a "crapper".
The New Zealand Puaua (sp) farmer has a USA distributor that does fancy inlay tiles for the bathroom and other products. Maybe they were refering to an inlaid toilet? OK it is time for me to go anneal some more metal.
To add to Aggie's post - seeing as Crapper is attributed with the invention of the porcelain toilet bowl, and I see posts on here describing some kinds of pearls as porcelain-like, maybe the connection isn't so far fetched after all......:D
OMG!!!! Can't wait for Jeremy to advertise these pearls--gotta have some of those----
nymphalid overtones

Hilarious!!!! I wondered how they could do such an awful translation----
I am not sure nymphalid overtones would go over well;)

They are not actually translations. They are using a program that jumbles the content and replaces words to give the appearance of unique content. It is a form of search-engine spam. It is a big no-no because the search engines hate it and search it out. As soon as they see it the sites are gone from SERPs.
What the heck is a noodle orifice? And how does one unconceal a bonny pearl in digit of ones oysters? That's what I want to know.

I don't think those word-switching programs are quite foolproof yet. "Bonny" is easy, of course. The others...who knows!
The filler of the pearl necklace module depend on the woman’s age, embody essay and cervix size, though an 18 to 24-inch pearl necklace is a beatific filler for anyone.

*wiping eyes*

Best laugh I've had all week!
Pearl_dreams said:

The filler of the pearl necklace module depend on the woman?s age, embody essay and cervix size, though an 18 to 24-inch pearl necklace is a beatific filler for anyone.

*wiping eyes*

Best laugh I've had all week!

Oh-oh Pearl_dreams, the above, together with "noodle orifice", has made me almost PEE in my pants with laughter. Who knew that pearl necklaces in those sizes were good for alleviating such desires. The seller is marketing to a whole new buyer group.
