Fitting the Keishi--
So far this has been the process--string an inch or so, hold danging up to the light (north-south) and look for spaces where the wire shows. rotate the keishi pearls from the bottom continuing along the wire to see if I can get a tight fit, no wire showing. Check to make sure no keishi are shaped such that it makes a bend in the necklace when pushed tight against each other, restring as necessary, (heavy sigh).
Knotty, the keishi I have are very pretty and iridescent on the edges also, or I never would have bought them. I have seen some that have black pits there, but would not use them, of course.
I feel the larger keishi can look fine with spacers or knotted, much is personal preference, and if we are doing it ourselves!
On these I have started stringing from the center out--actually I often do that, because I choose the elements but don't entirely plan ahead of time. I string right onto the spool, then when I have the design and length I like, cut enough wire for the other side and work out from the center on the 2nd side. Yes, sometimes it wastes a little wire, but it works for me. Hopefully as I get better at planning, I can be more efficient with the wire.
so many pearls, so little time