Wire wrap Q


Jun 22, 2013
Another wire wrapping question! My friend asked me to make a necklace for his wife and he's dead set on white gold (or plat, but I can't easily get platinum findings). Rio only has white gold wire in dead soft, do you think that would be too soft? I've only used half-hard to wrap, and since he's paying for the materials I don't want to experiment. I'm wrapping some 8mm round Tahitians with 1.3mm chain (he wants it to be really dainty), and I'm thinking 24g wire would balance well with that. But I'm nervous about using dead soft, I don't want it to be too fragile. Any thoughts?
Thank you! I've only worked with sterling and gold-filled wire, so I wasn't sure of the differences. Thanks :)
Oh goodness, that's a great point, Pattye. I may try contacting Rio's customer service to see if the pieces I'm looking at fit together. Thanks for pointing that out!
That's a good option, LD. I shy away from using too many jump rings bcs I can't solder them and I don't want them to pull apart, but that could work if I need it to.
Thank you both! I'm going to try to convince him to go for slightly thicker chain, I think. I feel like 1.3mm is going to be too thin with 8mm pearls.
You got it! I directed him to PG a while back and he fell in love with BAS' asymmetrical ombre tin cup, so we're doing something similar but with five Tahitians. I asked Jac if he could pick five that graduated a bit color and he thinks he can. I'll start obsessively posting pics as soon as I get the supplies :)