Why pearls?


Dec 31, 2013
Hi All,

Just want to ask your motivations/insights on - Why do you buy pearls over other kinds of jewelry?

Is it a particular preference? Or a particular sentiment? Or just the style? :D

Would like to hear everyone's opinion. Please feel free to share! :D
Good Lord, wash your mouth out!
Seriously, Pearls have a special attraction - they are organic and subtle, rather than hard and glittery..outside the normal run of obviously jewellery.
Once one falls for pearls that seems to be it for other stuff
They are also more accessible
Pearls draw one closer; good quality ones have depth. Like people and snowflakes, no two pearls are exactly alike. Pleasant tactile feeling, one can stroke them like a pet; for stress reduction! They may have a sentimental connection.

I'm certain I'll think of more, but it's not even 6 am here yet!
I would love to have a ruby necklace with stones the size of my Tahitian pearls! Not happening in this life... I would also love to have earrings with sapphires the size of my SSP's... More value for money with pearls and they are still (pretty much) a product of nature.

- Karin
I actually like colored gemstones as well, not just pearls.

Pearls, however, have a different look from any other gem. Their luster draws you in. They change with the lighting, so you want to look at them again and again.

As jewelry, their look is classic, never out of fashion, never wrong for the situation. They are ageless-- never inappropriate, however young the wearer.

They have a long history of desirability, as ready-made gems that didn't need cutting to show their beauty. So their place in history is a lure.

It used to be that only royalty and the very wealthy could own pearls, and the rest only dream of them. It's not really so long ago that people of ordinary means could afford them-- culturing is what made that possible. Much more recently, the improved culturing techniques of the Chinese made high quality round pearls affordable to many who would not have had the money to spend on a similar strand of akoyas.

Furthermore, the Internet has made pearls so much more accessible, as well as spreading the knowledge (as Pearl-Guide does.) We are no longer limited to the poor selection, high prices (and the unfortunately often-ignorant salespeople) of local shops. All of this makes buying pearls fun, interesting and affordable.

Seriously, what's not to love? :D
Like Jackie O said, "Pearls are always appropriate". I especially love white pearls in all shapes and sizes. They are soft and feminine and just glow...what's not to love?
It's not just pearls for me - my engagement ring, for example, is sapphires and diamonds in platinum, and my wedding ring is platinum, and I love both. But most of the jewellery I wear other than those is all or mostly pearls, because they sing to me.
Haha Wendy!
Hello White Ferrero:
As others have posted here, pearls have been desirable forever, so there is a long history. They are not "trendy", gone tomorrow.
I love natural things; like opals and amber. Pearls are the same, from nature. They grew in a mollusc, and each one is unique.
I also love the way they look different in all lights. Very lustrous pearls are almost hard to get into focus with a camera or eyeballs; like a tiny mirror wrapped around the sphere.
Whatever you wear is reflected in them.
I also like, but struggle with, the "old fashioned-ness" of them. How to wear them becomes a challenge for me. I like the mix of casual and pearls; jeans and pearls.
And finally, pearls are found everywhere. So, a person can start out with some relatively inexpensive ones that will look quite nice. But, when you are ready to spend some bigger bucks, there are the "cream of the crop" pearls who stand above all others. Lurk on this forum for a while, and you will see what I mean.
When you buy something, post a picture here, so us addicts can enjoy them.
Thanks for all the insights everyone!

In particular, I like how the 'luster' on pearls are different in lighting as well. :)
Add the fact that, like Jackie said, they are 'never inappropriate'. Pearls really are timeless.
My Granny had a similar line, white ferrero, she said that if you are wearing pearl earrings you are always suitably dressed for any occasion. And she took her own advice!