Who's Watching American Idol? Is Randy Jackson Wearing Pearls?


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
Tonight, while watching American Idol, I found myself leaning into the tv and squinting. On Randy Jackson's right wrist, he's wearing what LOOKS LIKE a tahitian pearl bracelet. Anybody else seen this?
I've been trying to figure out that bracelet for weeks now...and it seems like they may be Tahitian Pearls.
You must be two hours ahead of me. I think he wore pearls once before so I wouldn't be surprised.
I have not been following Idol this year, but I do know Randy Jackson wore a classic round white pearl necklace-a choker- and he wore pearl stud earrings to match on Larry King last year.

I think he is really getting into pearls.
Hi Caitlin and others!

Please tell me who Randy Jackson is - an actor? I have never seen or heard anything of this show/program called American Idols - at least they have never broadcast it over here. But I congratulate ANY MAN who dares wear pearls!:D
Hi Jerin,

Randy Jackson is one of the judges for American Idol which is a show to pick the next big recording artist. He used to be a muscian in his own right(please google his name to find out which band, I can't remember), but I think he is mostly a music producer now. I think I saw him wearing some dark Tahitians once, also as a choker, but can' be sure of it.
Hi Salem
and thanks for the videoclips. I didn?t see any pearls, the one in his ear looked like a gemstone instead.:)
Please tell me who Randy Jackson is - an actor? I have never seen or heard anything of this show/program called American Idols - at least they have never broadcast it over here.

ahhh.... so refreshing to know that crazy American TV shows haven't yet invaded the whole world!!!
Tonight, while watching American Idol, I found myself leaning into the tv and squinting. On Randy Jackson's right wrist, he's wearing what LOOKS LIKE a tahitian pearl bracelet. Anybody else seen this?

I believe I saw it too, either last week or the week before. One bracelet definitely looked Tahitian, and the other bracelet appeared to be Tahitian with some sort of pink bead between the pearls.