Which way to face tails?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2016
I just received these strands of 6.5-7mm akoya pearls from Wen. One strand of white and 2 strands of what she calls natural gray, but they have a hint of blue and some pink overtones. The green tones you are seeing is just a reflection from a big hosta plant that was about 2 feet away from where I was taking these photos. Really beautiful strands, very happy with them. My question is- they all have little tails on them, should I face all the tails in the same direction all the way around the necklace, or reverse direction in front so that all the tails are facing up the neckline? Is there any customary way they are usually done? Thanks!

white akoya (768x1024).jpg

gray akoya (1024x768).jpg
In general, I arrange pearls so that their better looking end, whichever it is, faces upward when worn.
My favourite way is to have a round pearl in the center and the tails facing up in both directions.

For 18-26", that is my favorite way too, it just feels more balanced to me. Often you don't see a round or oval in the middle, just the center point where the tails point upward. For longer strands, I may use different patterns, depending on the design. But it's really just a matter of personal taste.
Since necklaces always seem to migrate around my neck, I would want all the tails going one direction. The "center" pearl never stays centered on me. That's another reason why I like wearing my clasps to one side. At least I start with the pearls off center, on purpose.

As much as I love the look of classic graduated strands, like the momme necklaces, they never stay centered on me, and they always look off.

Both ways of stringing tail pearls are correct. It comes down to personal preference. If you think you might attach these strands to other strands to make longer ropes, then maybe string in one direction.

P.S. I also dislike the "bum in the middle" look. Definitely try to add a round pearl in the middle, if you're going to string them symmetrically.
Lol! I had to laugh about the "bum in the middle". Then again I could always string them that way and call them my "cheeky monkey pearls" :p

I think Bweaves makes good points about the pearls not staying centered and possibly wanting to attach more strands, so maybe all one direction is the most versatile way to go. I will give it a go and see if I like it. I can always change it if I don't.

Thanks everyone! I will post pics when they are done, I have a lot going on right now so it might be a few days.
My necklaces migrate too-- the clasp works its way down the right side of my neck-- never the left-- even if I start off with the clasp to the left of center.
My hypothesis is that it's because I'm right-handed. You folks who are left-handed, do your necklaces migrate to the left?
I haven't really paid attention to which way my necklaces migrate. Only that they do. A lot depends on what I'm working on, and where my desk is, and which direction I have to keep turning my head to do my work. So I don't think it's related to my handedness, but where I'm sitting and where I have to look.

And Pearlescense called it the "bum in the middle" first. But that exactly describes what I think it looks like.