What pearls are these likely to be?


New Member
Apr 23, 2018
What pearls are these likely to be? How much are they worth?





Thanks everyone
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I'm curious how you got 4 identical strands of pearls and you don't know what you have or what they are worth. What did you think they were and how much did they cost?
I'm curious how you got 4 identical strands of pearls and you don't know what you have or what they are worth. What did you think they were and how much did they cost?

My aunt and uncle passed away and left everything to my grandmother who distributed them amongst the family. They came in an old bag that smells old so I thought they were antiques. A jeweller told me they were worth a few bob in 2014 but he wasn't interested in buying as he doesn't sell pearls. I can't find a jeweller who buys pearls which is why I am here.

Thanks for the replies.
Those are freshwater pearls. Wear them if you like them but not selling because their price is going to be very low.
Or sell them as a lot on eBay. Someone who makes bead jewelry may buy the lot to take them apart and do something with the components. Don't expect to make much money from them, though.