What kind of pearls?


New Member
Nov 16, 2011
Hi! I received these pearls in 1982 and was wondering what kind they are and if they have any real value?

I do have an appraisal with them that just says genuine pearls in size from 3mm to 7mm with 14kt gold clasp and 19" length. Exhibiting fine lustre, orient and cleanliness and paid $625 for them about 30 years ago. I have had them restrung in the past.

Thanks for any feedback and sorry the pictures DSCN1166.jpgDSCN1168.jpgDSCN1167.jpg didn't come out that great.


Hi Juli -

It looks as though you have a 3.5 momme graduated strand of akoya pearls from Japan. The size and graduation would most likely make them around a half century old. It would be easier to confirm, however, if you were able to shoot the strand again up close, but using the macro setting (small flower) on your digital camera.
Hi Julia
the description sounds great, but the photos aren't clear enough to see much. From the description it would be an akoya necklace of good quality. Consider that sight unseen though.

Try taking photos in indirect light on a plain white paper towel. Get it in focus. We do have a couple of super shoppers who can tell you about what comparables are going for in an open market like eBay. Also, is there any chipping or wear around the drill holes?
Hold them at the edge of a floresent light and twist and see if the pearls "blink" as the light reacts to the nucleus inside. Less blink more coating. Seems like a nice 3.5 mommee strand.
Bettter photos are needed.
Better pics...I think?

Better pics...I think?

Okay thanks so much for all your help!

I have attached some better pictures. I may be thinking about selling them can you tell me what the value or possible asking price would be?

They were purchased from a reputable dealer in Naples, FL called Thalheimer's in case anyone is familiar with them.

When I get home where the pearls are I will do what pearl-man suggested and hold them in fluorescent light.

Thanks again!



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