Hi Pattye! If only I didn't mean it, sigh....
Ugh, I should've put my usual disclaimer up front - this is why my moniker is PerpetualPearlStudent!
OK. I've got humility to spare, lots of experience laughing at my ignorance, haven't had a new pair of glasses in 4yrs and I'm on a notepad, so this'll make you laugh - let me tell you what I first thought - I thought I saw some reddish glow and I thought "No way! Those can't be SofC naturals...can they? plus the cross setting is kind of popular lately... " ( laughing at self).
Then I thought of that huge collection of abalone that antz had. Some of those were pretty dark, but the shapes were waaaay more irregular than in the cross.
So what are you guys thinking? Dyed FW? are pearls dyed undrilled or half-drilled? I wonder how.