What kind of pearls do I have?


Collector of Pearls
May 3, 2012

What kind of pearls do I have and what would be its value?


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we call that keshi pearl, i think that is from freshwater, i do not know retail price, you can check online.
i saw your website and i am sure you are an expert in pearl...

i like your website very much, will learn from you ;)
Baroque and keshi freshwater pearls from China, is my guess. Not high value, but very pretty colors!
The luster is great on some of those potato pearls. How would someone who collects pearls around the Sea of Cortez where you collect, find one of those?
(I hope you weren't told they were natural pearls from the Easter Islands or something like that! ja, ja.)

And thank you again for sharing a precious record of your pearly finds! That last abo pearl seemed dark. Any other photos? Have you ever heard of anyone pealing abalone nacre? Think there could be something better under the first layer?
Thanks for your reply Sinju,Perla Dreams,Perlescencia and Caitlin

Really could be an expert in pearl natural but in cultured pearls I know nothing.

Hi Caitlin.

These pearls are a friend.

Difficult to know what you find after the first layer of nacre regularly can have good results.
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