What kind of pearls are these?


New Member
Jan 15, 2020
Hello everyone,

I have this pair of pearl earrings set in 14K white gold.
Does anyone know what kind of pearls these are and if the color is natural (bluish grey)?
The pearls are about 7-8 mm in diameter.
I don't know much about pearls they once belonged to my grandma as far as I know the are not antique.

Thank you very much and have a great day.



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They look like natural color blue akoyas that were drilled, then someone decided to put them on the stud setting, and they glued in a head pin to cover the hole.

This color occurs in akoyas when the oyster secretes a brownish/black liquid substance when it is nucleated, apparently due to the injury (the gonad has to be cut to insert the bead.) The substance covers the bead. Nacre is laid down over it. In akoyas, the nacre is transparent, but through many layers of nacre the brownish/black substance covering the bead appears blue.

If the pearl appears brown or tan instead of blue, it means you are seeing the brown/black substance through the nacre, and is indicative of thin nacre. Yours are quite blue which indicates the nacre is thick. That hammered appearance of the nacre is also indicative of thick nacre.
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