Pearls have long been a subject of fascination ? beautiful gems produced by living organisms, with or without the help of human intervention. In the early 20th century, cultivation of pearls brought regal beauty to the masses. More recently, improvements in techniques, advances in cross-breeding, and fervent experimentation have redefined our expectations of what a pearl should look like, and even be.
The Pearl-Guide.com forum has been the home of lively discussion on every conceivable topic related to pearls for more than a decade. To build on this tradition, and to fill the gap in pearl journalism, we are proud to introduce Pearl-Guide News.
Our intended audience is everyone with an interest in pearls ? dealers, jewelers, consumers, farmers, enthusiasts and scholars. I hope you will join us here on a regular basis, and on our forum, where thousands of active members have contributed over 116,000 posts.
Blaire Beavers
Managing Editor

"Dragon Pearls" Courtesy of Jack Lynch, Sea Hunt Pearls
Pearls have long been a subject of fascination ? beautiful gems produced by living organisms, with or without the help of human intervention. In the early 20th century, cultivation of pearls brought regal beauty to the masses. More recently, improvements in techniques, advances in cross-breeding, and fervent experimentation have redefined our expectations of what a pearl should look like, and even be.
The Pearl-Guide.com forum has been the home of lively discussion on every conceivable topic related to pearls for more than a decade. To build on this tradition, and to fill the gap in pearl journalism, we are proud to introduce Pearl-Guide News.
Our intended audience is everyone with an interest in pearls ? dealers, jewelers, consumers, farmers, enthusiasts and scholars. I hope you will join us here on a regular basis, and on our forum, where thousands of active members have contributed over 116,000 posts.
Blaire Beavers
Managing Editor

"Dragon Pearls" Courtesy of Jack Lynch, Sea Hunt Pearls