websites to purchase abalone pearls?


May 21, 2013
Is it alright if I ask if anyone has any recommendations as to where I can source out a particular size/color/shape abalone pearl? Hopefully some sites that have many pictures I can sort through.
thanks dmj, I am looking for a small 3-4mm round or near round abalone, multi colored with a strong green and purple tint. I noticed I missed the boat with Antz collection, Im sure I could have found something similar in one of those batches (along with a couple other beauties I'd save for the future.)
I am looking for something really nice, and judging by the prices I saw all those go for I was hoping to find something for $25-50. perhaps a bit more for something really nice. am i way off?
Hi there,

50 to 100 USD is not too far off :) have a look on our homepage and if you like our colours I can sort out some nice pearls for you to have a look at.
We are holding a large amount of natural abalone pearls (haliotis iris) in stock to choose from.
best wishes
Thank you Belinda, you have a very nice website. If you have anything that fits my criteria (3-4mm near round, strong green and purple) please email me at readicculus(AT)gmail(DOT)com