Wanting to buy in Koyto?



I am visiting Kyoto for two weeks doing some educational research and am very interested in buying some pearls while I am here. I have read in more than one place that looking in department stores and the like is a waste of time and I will spend as much or more than I would in the states. I am buying for my wife and have just began researching pearls since she mentioned it before I left. Are there wholesellers in this area? How much would I need to know before I went. What kind of price range would I be looking at and or discount? Any help would be welcomed. Thanks in advance,


You are correct, the department stores are pretty much a waste of time. It is like trying to find a good deal on quality in a department store here in the US.

Your best bet is to take the express train to Kobe. It is basically straight across (SW) on the Pacific side. This is the "pearl center" of Japan.

Most wholesalers will not deal with you, or if they do they will inflate their prices (to protect their real customers, of course). But drop me a PM and I will point you in the right direction where you will get wholesale (on referral) as long as you are only looking to buy 1-2 pieces.
Point me in the right direction!!!

Point me in the right direction!!!

That is correct. I am only looking to pick up one or two pieces. I can take the train to Kobe sometime next week. Just let me know what I need to do and I will. Thnak you for all of your help.

I have a few options for you. Your contact email is locked, so send me a private email or message and I will give you the info.