Wanted: Pipi Pearl Strand


Natural Pearl Lover
Oct 11, 2012
I have been trying like mad to get my hands on a strand of small sized, variously golden colored pipi pearls for a while now and have had no luck. I've tried Bergman and Sons but their stock of pipis has been depleted :( I'm wondering if anyone knows of any other source(s) that will more likely have old or new stock? I'm also looking for the little pipi shells, with and without pearls attached, preferably in shades of gold.
I hope everyone's pearl hunting is going well!
There's that Frenchman, I think he's posted here, but I can't recall his name. However, on FB he is under "natural pearls perles fines." He has posted photos of a number of his beauties. You might be able to contact him via fb. He is actively sourcing pipi and selling them. Best of luck!

I've seen Almudena and Steve Metzler's torsade and other pipis in person, and the pearls are magnificent.
Sure did, Pattye! He has a couple of strands of some kind of pearl, I've asked if they are pipis, so maybe that'll be a result. I hadn't thought of Sarah, thanks for that direction Blaire!
On a side note: now that I live out west, I'm planning on going to the Tucson show in Feb (lol, I know, pretty early) - anyone else planning on attending?
Update: The Pearl Collector came through with enough undrilled pearls of the color range and size range that I was looking for an 18 inch strand AND was within my budget! I'm really excited to get the lot and now just need to find a pearl driller willing to handle these pearls for me :) Maybe Jeremy? The search continues for shells with blister pearls, but I'm hoping Laurent will come through with those!
Here's the design I have in mind for some of the pearls I just purchased (thank you, Pearl Collector!):


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What a great design. Please post pictures, lots of pictures.
I sure will once they come in! But here's one from the Pearl Collector:


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Oh goodness be still my heart :) that is one outstanding necklace.
I would have asked for a quote from TPC on drilling because he has a lot of experience with drilling natural pearls. But maybe this would be a good time to investigate getting a pearl drill and trying it yourself. Knowing how intrepid you are... :)
Oh I am definitely not DIYing it on these babies. TPC's assistant (?) tried to find a pearl driller for me, but came up empty handed. I know both Jeremy and Dave have experience with natural pearls, just from what I've read in older threads, but if anyone knows of any other people that have experience with drilling natural pearls I'd love to hear!
Drilling small naturals is slow, hard work. Most don't sit well in the collets, become loosened or twist the narrowest diameter when clamped tight. I break, score and burn a lot. Any good driller will break some. Singles not so bad some times, but destroying matches are always heartbreaking.

A while back I posted a video of a man drilling 2mm pearls with a bow drill. I adapted a similar method of tapping pearls into wooden blocks then clamping them into the drill.

I break or crack fewer small pearls since drilling straight through.

You seem inclined and focused. For the cost of a drill, you could do it yourself, accepting some losses or culls. Otherwise don't skimp on who drills these, it could make the difference of their finished value by a considerable factor.
Dave, as always, you come to the table with a multitude of practical experience! I would definitely like to find someone who is very experienced at drilling for these pearls, especially since they are smaller (3-4mm).
I guess I am inclined, I certainly would like to try drilling pearls at some point, though that is far on the horizon of projects!
I hope that jnorris chimes in with driller suggestions!
I got the pearls today! :cool: Here are a few initial shots I took. Really flipping happy about the colors and quality. I wish I had more time to do an extensive look, but maybe next week.


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Andrea, those are such beautiful little treasures! Looking forward to seeing your creation develop :)