Vintage pearls vol. 2- here we go again😅


New Member
Sep 27, 2018
I just bought some vintage pearls from a secondhand marked online. I have not received them yet. I payed $50 for everything. I think 2, maybe 3 of the strands are old akoyas, am I right? I would be very happy if someone could tell me what I actually bought.
By the way, I've learned so much from this website! 5E32A444-35E7-4BD5-BCC9-34D059BFD2D3.jpgleather and tahitian pearls necklace1ABB9FF2-2ABE-4336-A58B-3F6297B3D4B2.jpeg3C76049D-5FF4-4E78-9C0A-0E6C28073E17.jpeg07F42604-1A23-4A77-A0FF-BF5267153E88.jpg1DE46AB1-2352-4509-913F-080E58B5B0FE.jpgaustralian pearls cluster necklace2F9ACF0E7-B8C9-4B9A-8382-A862988C0E9B.jpg48740273-4C32-4357-A435-7D33EF48EF5B.jpeg
I'm sorry for almost spamming you, but you know so much, I know so little. I just have to ask so I can learn. Pearls are intriguing��
Anyone? I do badly wants inputs a and some thoughts and ideas of what I actually bought... I'm gong to be a so happy if someone could help me with this.
Thank you for your answer��. I will publish photos of them here. Looking forward to see what I actually bought!
Yes, it will be easier to tell you what you have when you take your own photos. I think the triple strand are imitation pearls.
When you get them, start with the "tooth test". Rub two of the pearls in a strand against each other gently after wiping them clean with a soft damp cloth. Imitation pearl coating glides smoothly; real nacre feels a bit gritty.
Edited to add: I have stopped recommending rubbing pearls against teeth (“Tooth test”) Teeth are harder than pearls and can scratch them.

If any seem to pass the tooth test, post photos of those. :)
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Thanks for your answer. Go going to be fun to find out what they are. If you look at the first picture I believe the one on the box and the two first strands are pearls, the rest is imitation and stones. Maybe jade in one of the stone ones. Looks like nice clasps on the imitations and the pearls is nice for the kids��
black pearls and leather tahitian pearl australian pearl woman necklace8027BDF0-59CD-4FD3-AFE4-F0EF63CBD1A3.jpg0D489965-FD17-499C-B70D-C8743717C888.jpeg779081CE-7F6C-4B1D-B349-DFD26B888641.jpegE5EFC481-36B1-47E9-86EF-6309F2E1442E.jpeg5CCE7202-052D-479A-BA55-D2A35E0BF254.jpeg7189DB58-F138-4192-A8B0-1126F9962528.jpeg I was also asked if I wanted to buy all of this. Some of it are stamped 585. Price is $300. Is it worth it? Should I buy or not?


  • tahitian pearls cluster necklace4
    tahitian pearls cluster necklace4
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7189E70F-F6A8-472C-A495-50652116202A.jpgB91FAA10-2C02-48F4-9841-4DC00717A3AD.jpgDC9D1284-595C-4915-BCBD-D51CA3FA2BFA.jpg8E1CE47F-DF88-4ECC-BE6B-0A521A0CEACD.jpeg52CA106D-3281-4C48-9458-AB7F668018E0.jpegF61B542F-16AB-4C82-8EF6-35F4E850859E.jpegF5F7BAD4-1BF5-4D92-8563-7F9E67F6DA54.jpeg3E08FDA4-D862-4288-860C-F54E995C782D.jpegE10D8C15-68CC-42CE-A75A-6678852EF214.jpg9E9200E6-91E2-4B4B-A81F-FFE04350D66A.jpg and this.
I accidentally deleted my last post. Question is to buy or not to buy. What do you think about the pearls? The ring and 4 of the earrings are stamped 585 gold. I would be really grateful if someone would share their opinions on this. Prize is $300, and it is a nice story behind the jewelery .
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The ring looks like it might be real.

Do you really want screwback earrings? The first pair look like they might be real pearls. The others look like maybe imitations, because they're not set in real gold. $300 seems a bit high.
3A2D51E8-0FC0-4B74-A55E-856891053971.jpeg56CAF3DF-A789-487B-9241-0FEA2493C476.jpeg7DB8C01A-DD50-4D45-BB03-018DE56BA97D.jpegDDAFD3F0-765E-4A1B-B832-7ABFF864B27A.jpeg5070144F-A3C8-4B56-B020-C162A9F38648.jpeg And these. What happened to the yellow one? Is it supposed to have that color,. Our is it discoloration?

No I don't like screwbacks, but I like the earrings, and the fact that they are old really appeals me. But are they worth buying...?
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I'm not seeing any pearly overtones, and the pearls are set in oxidized metal. I don't think most of those are real pearls. Yellow can occur to both real and faux pearls if they are kept in a box and not worn. My gut feeling is that these are fakes. They are not worth buying. Save your money and get real pearls.
I think at least 2 of the strand you posted from the $50 purchase will be Akoya pearls. They are pretty and if it was me I would string them into one necklace. :) Lower quality strands in the 7mm pearl range on Etsy go for about $95 so I think you did good.

The $300 prize I would avoid. Even if you convert the screw backs into pierced earrings they IMHO aren't attractive enough for the effort and price.
livjux, I suggest you buy a 10x triplet loupe. This is a magnifier used by jewelers and anyone who wants to be able to see their jewelry up close to read metal marks, look for inclusions, etc. They are not expensive and are a great tool to have on hand. I keep one in my purse so I can examine serendipitous finds.

Seen through a 10x loupe, the surface of a genuine pearl will look quite smooth, while imitation pearls will look rougher, a bit like orange peel.
Thank you so much for your answers, I really appreciate it. I'm reading and learning and I think I'm hooked����. I did not buy the $300 lot. Pearl Dreams, thsnk you for your advice, I'll buy a buy s loop tomorrow! I also believe two or three of the strands are real, the rest I expect beeing imitations. The stone strands I have no idea about, the greenish maybe jade?
I hope they are nice pearls, I'm looking forward to receive the parcel so I can find out what I a actually bought����... It's a good idea to string them into necklace! I did not purchase the $300 lot. No use waisting money just for the "joy" of waisting.
I recieved my Secondhandbuy- today. Most of it was imitations(fun imitations that I like and want to keep), some silver and two strands of real pearls, a nice pair of 585 earring with pearls and this golden clasp with a fake pearl just marked M, I like it and maybe its goldplated.
I know very little about pearls, but am I right about the strand with the biggest pearls being baroque akoyas? What about tlf smallest one? It wound make me so happy if I could get some information and inputs on the pearls and earrings. What quality are they, any thoughts about age and so one. The strand with the biggest pearls are full of marks and bumps, some places it looks like the narce has been rubbed of but the neclace looks like it never has been used. How often can I use it without ""wearing it out". The same goes for the earrings and some of the other stuff too, it doest look like they have been used. maybe I'm silly and sentimental but itIt makes me think about the woman they belonged to, and I wonder who she was and her history. I know she was born in 1927 and died in 20014, I know her name.
The strand with the round silver clasp marked 835, with a pearl on it and box with blue velvet liner (also seen in the photos in post #1) looks like baroque akoyas. (835 is German silver and has 835 parts per 1000 of silver. Sterling silver has 925 parts per 1000, and is stamped 925.)

The earrings you said are marked 585 (585 parts gold per 1000.) also called 14K gold. I expect those pearls are also akoyas.

I can't see the smallest pearls well enough to say what they are. Larger photos/close ups would help. Is that clasp marked anything? It looks like tarnished silver. They are probably akoyas but I can't see them well enough to say for sure.

As to durability, baroque akoyas tend not to be as durable as non-baroque akoyas. But you didn't pay a great deal for them so I say, wear them all you like!
Thank you so Much pearl Dreams! Is there any way to say approximately how old they are by lookin at how they appear? the biggest strand got shine! I have never seen pearls with this kind of luster befor, and despite jumps and bumps I really like them..I think this easily might become a passion, close to addiction for me...EAB6FC9A-0A9C-4917-A3F1-F9E21FFC584A.jpg73180767-FBB5-4D8B-ACB3-9A25010F4F64.jpg0B018C56-7957-4366-BED1-C24955A33138.jpg27F5D9AA-8D38-4EAE-87BC-48C6B0D4D4D4.jpg I live in Norway and i believe the knowledge of pearls here are poor, even by jewlers. Here are some more photos